
Tips for Perfecting Your Virtual Recruitment Process

Hannah Louise Cox is Executive Search Consultant at Douglas Jackson and a Judge at the UK Digital Experience Awards 2020. Read about Hannah’s experience at last year’s UK DXA. Times have certainly changed in these last few months and we are living...


We’ve reached the Age of Customer-Centricity. But what DO customers really want?

The multi-level infrastructure and communications shift, demanded in large part by digitization, has rapidly become a critical issue for Communications Service Providers (CSPs). That’s because, in the telecommunications world, new subscriber growth has slowed and profits have slowly been eroded...


Over Half of UK Customers Dissatisfied with Online Banking Services Since the Lockdown

A new study surveying 2,000 consumers and 500 banks reveals 58 percent of customers were unable to access needed online banking services since lockdown. Many customers felt disappointed by the lack of services from their banks’ and the most common complaint...


CX and COVID-19: Same Game, Different Rules?

The pandemic has dramatically redefined how we live, work, play and interact with each other. Our daily routines, relationships of all stripes, simple indulgences, even our personal hygiene have been upended. No one really knows if this will turn out to...


Customer Care Centre: The Success Hub of Your Organisation

Customer experience is known as the pillar of a company’s success. To ensure that the experience is at the top level each time, customer care centres are prepared for the usual surges in demand. Customer Care Managers are the ones who...


The First LIVE Online Awards: A Judge’s Point of View

Jo Boswell is Founder and Director of Sentio-B and one of CXM Top 25 CX Influencers. Having previously judged three times at the Awards hosted by Awards International and shared her experience at two previous CX awards, Jo was a...


How Beauty Brands Use Customer Reviews To Effectively Engage with Consumers Amid COVID-19

Personalised face serums, skin formulas, and anti-ageing vitamins are now available to the masses thanks to the availability of data and technology. Consumer preferences for beauty and skincare often dictate what products brands create and sell. According to Statista, by...


Capita Wins Partnership For Transformation and Operation of Customer Contact Centre Services

UK Complaint Handling Awards winner Capita has signed a contract with Irish Water following a win on a public competitive tender process for the transformation and operation of Irish Water’s customer contact centre services. The contract is worth €10m a year...


UK Digital Experience Awards 2020: Meet the Finalists

The finalists for the 2020 UK Digital Experience Awards have been announced, and the line-up promises an exciting day of insightful presentations and tough decisions for judges. The event is celebrating its sixth year of honouring the British organisations that offer customers...

sustainable customer experience

How to ensure a sustainable customer experience?

Ensuring a sustainable customer experience is a long term project. Sustainability represents the continuity of your business now and in the future. To ensure customers grow together with their businesses, companies need to invest time in meeting customers where they...

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