Category: Digital Experience

Using Cloud for the Mobile Customer Experience

Richard McCrossan, Strategic Business Director at Genesys looks at how the cloud is enabling companies to quickly and easily offer customers a truly mobile service. It used to be the case that the contact centre used more advanced technology than the...


The key to customer service; pick up the cost of calls

EE recently announced that it is to start charging customers 50p to fast-track their calls to a ‘priority answering service’. SIM card only customers will also have to pay 25p to call the company’s customer service number. EE have said...

New Customer Insight leaders, don’t forget your data teams

New Customer Insight leaders, don’t forget your data teams

Customer Insight Director used to be a title that you would find in research agencies, often the senior sales role. However in the UK this role has begun to appear on the “client side” across a number of sectors, including...


Back to the future: traditional mentality and modern technology can bring back self-management

The traditional British workplace is very different from what it used to be. The industrial revolution saw people use new technology to increase productivity and automate routine tasks, but they never lost the mindset of making things and then taking...


Small business, big challenge: The ups and downs of being an SME

Starting up your own SME has never been a plain-sailing operation and none more so in today’s climate where competition is fiercer than ever. As well as the headache of financing your dream, there are always the little things that...


10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Customer Experience

We review and benchmark hundreds of websites around the world each year; using a combination of consumer insights, behavioural tracking and expert evaluation mapped to best practice customer decision journeys. In the course of these analyses, it has become clear that...


Who should own the Digital Experience?

Digital customer experience is fast becoming a key business differentiator, with those responsible for the digital development and delivery being challenged to achieve the best digital initiatives to support their company, but in many organisations the key factors for a truly...


Is live chat support a blessing in disguise for online retail stores?

No one can question the importance that good customer service holds for the success of any business, and when it comes to e-commerce websites, its importance increases by many folds. This is because whilst making a transaction on a virtual...


Hexagon Housing unlock the potential of call recording and put residents first

With over 120 staff operating in South East London, Hexagon Housing have been providing quality social housing care and support services to vulnerable client groups for more than 20 years. Managing over 4,000 properties, three independent care homes and dealing...


Top spot for Morrisons

Morrisons appears at long last to have something to smile about.  The supermarket’s online shopping service is now significantly ahead of all of its rivals in the latest Customer Experience Magazine/SpectrumInsight digital shopping tracker covering the period from 1...

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