Author: Daniel Ord

Quiz: How Well do YOU Know Your Contact Centre?

Daniel Ord is the Founder of OmniTouch International, and one of the global Contact Centre industry’s most influential figures.  With over 30 years of experience under his belt, Daniel is bringing his expertise to a wider audience with a new Masterclass...


‘So, how did YOU get into the Contact Centre Industry?’

Daniel Ord is the Founder of OmniTouch International, and one of the global Contact Centre industry’s most influential figures.  With over 30 years of experience under his belt, Daniel is bringing his expertise to a wider audience with a new Masterclass...


A Judge’s Guide to Awards Success

Daniel Ord is the Founder and Director of OmniTouch International, and a judge at the Gulf Customer Experience Awards. This year I’m scheduled to judge awards entries in Dubai, London, Amsterdam, and Wiesbaden (Germany). I think the benefits for an industry practitioner...


Is First Contact Resolution Relevant in Today’s Contact Centre?

I recently chaired a panel of judges at the Gulf Customer Experience Awards for a number of contact centre entries. One of the judges on our panel asked several of the entrants: “So how do you measure your First Contact Resolution...
