Author: Lisa Garthside

Lessons from the 2018 UK Digital Experience Awards: Communication is Everything
Lisa Garthside is Senior Director of Customer Experience Management at Confirmit, and judged at the 2018 UK Digital Experience Awards. The longer I work in the Voice of the Customer (VoC) arena, the more I have come to believe in the...

Delivering Digital Excellence
As we approach the finals of the 2018 UK Digital Experience Awards, it’s worth asking what organisations can do to achieve Digital Customer Experience excellence. Already, ‘digital’ permeates virtually every aspect of our personal lives, from social media interactions and online...

‘Nudge Theory’ Empowers Employees
All of those nominated for the 2017 Employee Experience Awards demonstrated what we all know to be true, explains Lisa Garthside, Director, Customer Experience Management at Confirmit. A happy employee who is involved in the decision-making process is not only...

Keeping the Board ‘on Board’ – Judging at the UK Financial Services Experience Awards
“A well designed and well executed mature VoC programme does not simply appear out of the ether. It does not come fully-formed but instead requires careful nurturing throughout its lifetime. Different programmes develop at different speeds and have different trajectories...

Recognition as the Ultimate Motivator
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realise that recognising hard work and individual achievement is a huge motivator for employees to ‘go the extra mile’. It’s also entirely logical that a public accolade provides a unique opportunity...