Author: Martin Ellingham

Customer Vulnerability: The Next PPI?
As we’re all aware, PPI represents the largest consumer mis-selling scandal this country has seen. UK lenders collectively expect PPI to cost them close to £50 billion in total, having already paid out over £48 billion in compensation and admin...

The Attrition Mission: Managing Transient Customers
It’s never been easier or quicker to switch suppliers and service providers, with digital innovation and digital disruptors providing customers with the opportunity to make a change in super-quick time. Such is the freedom of choice and the ease of...

The Japanese art of Kintsugi: A Golden Guide for Complaint Handling
金継ぎ This might sound like a strange question in the context of financial services, but have you ever heard of Kintsugi? No matter if not because I’m about to explain exactly what it is – and why it matters to your...

Your Customers Are Already Talking About You on Social Media: Are You Engaging Them or Ignoring Them?
The internet is big business. Of course, you knew that already. Most companies in 2017 choose to have an internet presence and to use appropriate keywords to attract footfall to their websites where they can hook customers with special online...