Author: Yonder Digital Group

Retailers in the Dark about Late-Night Shoppers
Night-owl UK consumers are indulging in evening shopping more than ever before, with 26 percent making their online purchases after 8.30pm. Perhaps driven by the pressures of hectic schedules and long working hours, more and more people are shopping online...

Customers Are Sharing the Love
Yonder Digital Group research shows that today’s customer is just as likely to share positive experiences as bad experiences. Over 80% of customers tell friends and family about their positive experiences with a company, finds new research commissioned by Yonder Digital...

Lack of Human Interaction Loses Customers
To test whether forsaking all human interaction in favour of total automation is really a cost-effective silver-bullet solution, Yonder Digital Group commissioned research among UK consumers and found that an overwhelming 87% report they tend to stay more loyal and...