Category: Customer Experience
Journey Mapping And Real-Time Journey Orchestration Are Critical To Crisis Preparedness And Recovery
Companies have woken up to the reality that customer experience (CX) is critical to their business. To help improve experiences that they offer, CX pros have been quick to adopt customer journey mapping — a methodology to deepen customer understanding,...
Airline Industry Paid Ad Impressions Plummet amid the COVID19 Pandemic
Airline industry paid ad impressions face a dramatic fall by almost 100 percent due to the current situation caused by the COVID19. A recent data acquired by Learnbonds shows that airline industry paid ad impressions dropped by 99 percent in the...
The Road to New Normal: CX In The Age of Coronavirus
“Never make predictions, especially about the future.” Casey Stengel Given the quote, I won’t say how CX will pan out over the next year to 18 months. Instead, I’ll consider companies whose response to the coronavirus crisis has shown grace and...
Let’s have Both Culture and (CX) Strategy for Breakfast!
A lovely perk of being a Customer Experience Professional is that every client is completely unique. A key reason for this is often culture. I recently delivered a CX project for an IoT house – MKL Innovation. They’re a very successful...
Almost Half of UK Customers Stop a Purchase If Not Offered Their Favourite Payment Method
A recent report on online retailers by PPRO and Arlington Research unveils over half of UK customers (58 percent) would stop their purchase if the checkout process is too complicated. The least tolerant group is comprised of Millennials (people born 1980-1993),...
5 Tips for Achieving CX Success While Working Remotely
In the last month or so we’ve all seen our priorities and approaches to work upended. Our world is completely different than in it was just days and weeks ago. Our daily routines have changed, and so to have our...
UK Digital Gift Card Market to Soar as Isolation Crisis Creates New Demand
According to the latest predictions from the Gift Card & Voucher Association (GCVA), gifting industry is seeing a shift in consumer behaviour towards digital gifting solutions. With many gifting occasions coming up, Easter, Father’s Day and millions of birthdays, people are...
Incentivised Reviews: Do They Pay Off?
According to a report by Revuze, an automated market insights solution, based on over 300 thousand reviews in the Razors and Blades industry, incentivised reviews increased the average star rating of a product 3.5 per cent, while the average sentiment...
Delivering through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Woah! What is happening? The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly caused massive disruption to our everyday lives. There are countless stories of frontline NHS and other key workers being unable to buy essential food as panic-buying has stripped shelves bare, and the...