Category: Customer Experience

CX and COVID-19: Same Game, Different Rules?
The pandemic has dramatically redefined how we live, work, play and interact with each other. Our daily routines, relationships of all stripes, simple indulgences, even our personal hygiene have been upended. No one really knows if this will turn out to...

Customer Care Centre: The Success Hub of Your Organisation
Customer experience is known as the pillar of a company’s success. To ensure that the experience is at the top level each time, customer care centres are prepared for the usual surges in demand. Customer Care Managers are the ones who...

The First LIVE Online Awards: A Judge’s Point of View
Jo Boswell is Founder and Director of Sentio-B and one of CXM Top 25 CX Influencers. Having previously judged three times at the Awards hosted by Awards International and shared her experience at two previous CX awards, Jo was a...

How Beauty Brands Use Customer Reviews To Effectively Engage with Consumers Amid COVID-19
Personalised face serums, skin formulas, and anti-ageing vitamins are now available to the masses thanks to the availability of data and technology. Consumer preferences for beauty and skincare often dictate what products brands create and sell. According to Statista, by...

Capita Wins Partnership For Transformation and Operation of Customer Contact Centre Services
UK Complaint Handling Awards winner Capita has signed a contract with Irish Water following a win on a public competitive tender process for the transformation and operation of Irish Water’s customer contact centre services. The contract is worth €10m a year...

How to ensure a sustainable customer experience?
Ensuring a sustainable customer experience is a long term project. Sustainability represents the continuity of your business now and in the future. To ensure customers grow together with their businesses, companies need to invest time in meeting customers where they...

Ageas UK Appoints new Customer Operations Director
Insurance firm Ageas UK has appointed new Customer Operations Director to take over responsibility for front lines and service operations alongside the business-wide customer service strategy. Former Chief Customer Officer, Ant Middle, now CEO of Ageas UK has created two new...

The Symbiosis of CX and EX: A Path To Human Experience
2020 – A global crisis or a valuable lesson? 2020 has been a tough year so far, but at the same time, it should be considered as a year of wisdom for professionals who choose to focus on the sociological...

How to Be Prepared for Emerging Customer Needs in a Post COVID-19 World?
Take time now to prepare for change and get ahead of the curve by anticipating the evolving needs of your customers. A common understanding of customers’ needs and a consistent method for measuring those needs is critical for businesses to...

Building CX Knowledge in Arabic: An Interview with Olga Budieri
Olga Budieri is Global Head of Customer Experience at Dubai-based international express, mail delivery and logistics services company Aramex. As a globally certified professional with more than 10 years in the logistics and transportation industry, Olga has recently started her...