Category: Customer Experience

7 Emails Your E-commerce Store Must Send Out on an Automated Basis

Email marketing has a long history and although we are witnessing the rise of new technology and marketing techniques, it’s not going anywhere. From the moment Ray Tomlinson sent the very first electronic email in 1971, this form of communication has...


Peer Motivated Shoppers: The Key to Building Loyalty

Today’s consumers are increasingly complex; motivated by a number of different and often competing drivers. They move seamlessly between instore and online, and their purchasing decisions can often be unpredictable, making it difficult for retailers to fully understand the journey they...


CX in 2018 and Beyond: Four Industry Predictions

2017 has been another year in which technological advancement has led to changes in consumer trends, but what do the experts think 2018 and beyond will have in store? Here are four predictions of what is expected to change the Customer...


Winter Blunderland: Customers Force Grotto Closure

Customer feedback has forced the closure of a children’s festive attraction, which was described as “disgusting” by disappointed parents. The ‘Winter Wonderland NI’ event was held at the Clandeboyne Estate in Bangor, Northern Ireland, but after just two days of being...


Delivering the Goods: Keeping Customer Service Levels High

When it comes to home delivery, UK consumers have never had it so good. From the one hour delivery windows offered by the likes of Planet Organic to Waitrose sending Click & Collect items to lockers, and through the use of...


Rebuilding Trust in the Broken Energy Market

Since privatisation, a few large suppliers have dominated the UK’s energy market.  Their reliance on legacy systems and traditional Customer Experience methods – gargantuan call centres which pass you around from siloed team to siloed team, complex bureaucracy, and bloated...


The CX Balancing Act: Reducing Friction and Increasing Desire

As a Customer Experience leader, it’s easy to feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill trying to align your organisation around the customer. The reasons are many. CX is still a relatively young field. It’s broad and spans business units and...


Raveolution 2017: Highlights of London’s CX ‘Carnival’

The customer engagement firm Rant & Rave’s conference, Raveolution 2017, gave one of London’s most iconic music venues, Electric Brixton, a carnival twist this year when it took place in November.   Following in the same vein as previous Raveolutions, attendees...


Survive Christmas by Beating the Four Forces Threatening Your CX Offering

From British Airways’ infamous IT meltdown to British Gas’ £9.5m Ofcom fine for billing mistakes, businesses are increasingly finding that poor Customer Experience is costing them dearly. Events such as customers being unable to get an update on when their...


Silo Slaying for the Ultimate Omnichannel Experience

There will always be customers who buy the latest product from a brand as it becomes available, from smartphones to sports shoes. Equally, there are customers who do their research and know precisely what they want to buy, down to the...

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