Category: Customer Experience

Food for Thought: Hoteliers Debate Customers’ Changing Tastes in Dining
Hotels are being forced to face up to changing customer tastes that could spell the end for room service food. Industry thought-leader, EP Business in Hospitality, recently hosted a topical business forum featuring world-class hoteliers, alongside guest experience management firm HGEM. The event...

Putting the Pride Back in Customer Service
Working in a call centre has been seen as the very epitome of the “McJob” – a low-paid, unrewarding role that’s usually viewed as a stepping stone to more responsible, better-paid and more meaningful employment. It shouldn’t be this way. Customer service...

Cuban sustainability project boosted by Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) has joined forces with Cuba’s Ministry of Energy and Mines and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) as part of a project to power almost 7,000 Cuban homes.ADFD, the leading national entity for international...

CX Expectations: Observations From the CXNYC Conference
“A great experience comes easily,”…said no-one ever. Creating and managing Customer Experience that delights and makes people spend more time (and money) with a brand is no small feat, and the stakes are only getting higher. CX leaders, CMOs, CIOs, and CEOs seem to...

Report Offers Insight Into CX Growth in Europe and Beyond
Global spending on Customer Experience is expected to reach over £101 billion by 2022, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC). Their new Worldwide Semiannual Customer Experience Spending Guide, shows that CX spending in 2018 was reported at $97 billion in 2018...

Festival Fever as Customers Spend at Pop-up Stalls
With the summer festival season in full swing following the recent sun-drenched Glastonbury, new research reveals that pop-up commerce presents a growing opportunity for businesses. A study by Barclaycard into the spending habits of UK festival-goers, shows that those selling at live...

Why ‘Omnichannel’ Translates to ‘Customer-Centric’
When it comes to Customer Experience, “omnichannel” has grown to be one of those inescapable buzzwords. So, what does the term mean, exactly? HubSpot’s definition states: “Omnichannel experience is a multi-channel approach to marketing, selling, and serving customers in a way that...

Last Chance to Enter the 2019 UK Business Awards
The deadline to enter the 2019 UK Business Awards is fast approaching, with just days left to put your organisation forward. Potential entrants have until this Friday, July 5 to submit entries ahead of the ceremony known across the UK business...

Brands Failing to Master ‘Growth Momentum’, Kantar Finds
Over reliance on marketing activities that deliver short-term sales growth is impacting the ability of businesses to lock in long-term market share growth, according to new research. Leading data, insights, and consulting company Kantar has released its latest study, Mastering Momentum,...

Convenience and Friction in Customer Experience
There’s a wonderful German word, ‘Ärger’, that comprehensively stands for every kind of trouble and strife you can imagine. Lost keys? Ärger. Missed flight? Ärger. Decades of warfare with the neighbours? Ärger. Say it: “AYR-gurrr”. No English word is quite...