Category: Customer Experience

Video: Seasonal Marketing – The Customer’s Perspective

Seasonal activities dominate our marketing calendars and rightly so. Valentine’s Day alone is estimated to have tempted us Brits to spend £980m in 2016* – making it obvious why retailers are so keen to use key dates as the hooks...


Brexit: Despite the Warnings of Experts, Britain Voted to Leave the European Union

Republished from Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union. Mr Cameron made the announcement in a statement outside Downing Street after the final result was announced. He said...


Explained in Video: How Would Brexit Affect You?

The UK referendum is only one day away, and the polls show there is an almost equal number of people on the opposing sides. If you want to go to the basics of the EU, BBC prepared some useful info about...

An image showing two hands holding a black heart. This is a way to achieving great customer experience

Seven steps to achieving great customer service

Customer service. What a positive and optimistic-sounding phrase – who could take exception to that? But the reality is far less pleasing. Commonly associated with frustration, seemingly never-ending phone calls, sad and monotonous on-hold theme tunes and endless episodes of...


The Feedback Economy – a £3.2bn Opportunity for the UK Hospitality & Leisure Industry

By improving how customer feedback is used, the UK hospitality & leisure industry could boost the UK economy by £3.2bn over the course of the next decade Managing customer feedback will become increasingly important. 59% of consumers say that online feedback...


What Leicester City Can Teach Us about Delivering Awesome Customer Experiences

At a time of rapid change in football, Claudio Ranieri’s recent Premier League triumph with Leicester City has captured the world’s imagination. Even my Tottenham supporting colleague is full of praise for how Ranieri defied expectations and delivered stunning success...

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