Category: Customer Experience

Building a Strong Link Between Brand and Customer Experience

In a recent Enghouse webinar we were privileged to be joined by Kim Bright from LEGO Education who discussed the relationship between their brand and Customer Experience, and how it is interwoven with everything they do. Listening to LEGO and...


Forget the Rear View: Look Ahead for CX Success

Tiffany Carpenter is Head of Customer Intelligence Solutions at SAS UK, and is a Judge at the 2018 UK Customer Experience Awards.   In the ‘Age of Now’, where consumers have more choices than ever and their expectations of brands are higher...


Why Senior Leaders Must be Accountable for Customer Experience

Most senior executives say Customer Experience is central to achieving their strategic priorities, but why do so many programmes fail to deliver on their promise? The answer often lies in a lack of senior leadership championing the CX programme, particularly...


World Cup Fever Fired up Online Retail, Report Finds

Football might not have come home after all, but the World Cup added a kick to recent online retail sales, according to a new report. The latest IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index reveals a 16.9 percent year-on-year (YoY) growth of retail sales in...


Seven Key Principles for Improving Customer Experience

When I tell people that I work as a Customer Experience Consultant, most of them assume it’s just a fancy title for a customer service agent, immediately envisaging call centres and headsets. Whilst Customer Experience does include customer service, it also...


Ask Ian: Journey Mapping in Your Customer’s Shoes

Customer Experience specialist Ian Golding, author of new book Customer What: The Honest and Practical Guide to Customer Experience, writes for Customer Experience Magazine, offering his expert insight to help businesses improve their CX offering.  To ask Ian a question on how to...


Overcoming the Biggest Hurdle in Mobile Messaging Campaigns

The average response time for a text message is just 90 seconds. Compare that to the average response time for an email, which is 90 minutes, according to As a marketing professional, this is a powerful statistic and makes adopting...


Customer Experience 2028: Preparing for the Future

By 2028, the way brands deliver Customer Experience is going to look very different. Support systems, powered by automation and next generation artificial intelligence (AI), will handle repetitive, high volume enquiries, giving consumers the instant, 24-7 customer service they are...


Millennials Still Prefer Bricks Over Clicks

The recurring question of whether the high street is dying and clicks have indeed replaced bricks is back in the news with House of Fraser and New Look’s high profile problems – but the largest ever fashion retail survey amongst...

Customer experience centre

Customer experience centre: Ten ultimate steps

This is the era of the Customer Experience Centre (CEC). The workplace is changing, and with this change comes opportunity for those who can adapt. Traditional ways of working are being replaced with new, digitally powered, more collaborative ones. Those who...

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