Category: Customer Experience

E-Commerce Returns: Maximising Customer Satisfaction and Minimising Profit Loss
Online retailing has expanded rapidly; the growth of the internet and advancements in delivery capabilities have seen many small businesses take advantage of this, selling through online marketplaces to maximise their reach. These global marketplaces are predicted to own 39...

CCXP Exam Workshop Places Filling Fast – Book now for Early Bird Offer
The upcoming CX Professional Masterclass is now sold out, but there is still time for you to book your place at the CCXP Exam Preparation Workshop, held in Stevenage on April 18, with an Early Bird Offer available until the...

Early Bird Catches the Worm in 2018 UK Customer Experience Awards
The 2018 UK Customer Experience Awards will bring the cream of British CX talent back to London’s Wembley Arena this autumn, and potential entrants are being encouraged to take advantage of the Early Bird Offer to save businesses an amazing...

Drunk, Depressed, Gained Weight: Customers Reveal Reasons for Spending Sprees
UK marketplace reveals the results of research into the shopping habits of 1,550 customers, and their reasons for making online purchases… ...

Now it’s Personal: Utilising Personalisation Techniques to Enhance CX
Applying even the most basic psychological principles will tell you increased personalisation is essential for improving Customer Experience. It is a well known fact that people gravitate towards the people, places, and things that resemble themselves. As a result, customers are...

A United Approach to Revolutionising Complaint Handling
The 2018 UK Complaint Handling Awards took place in London in February, and as a Customer Service Trainer, I was honoured to be invited to join the panel of judges. Our panel was given responsibility for judging the Proactive Complaint Handling...

Toilet or Train?: Where do Brits Prefer to Shop Online?
UK marketplace reveals the results of research into the shopping habits of 1,550 customers, and their preferred place to make online purchases… ...

Take Charge of Chargebacks
During Christmas, £17billion worth of goods are said to have been bought online alone, with an expectation for £2.5billion worth of returns to come back. With retailers and suppliers feeling increasing pressure to fine-tune their logistics and supply chain strategies...

Overcoming the AI Fear Factor
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a much discussed and debated subject in recent months. From newspapers to world leaders, everyone is talking about what machine intelligence and robotics might do for businesses. With all the buzz it is generating, AI is rapidly...