Category: Customer Experience

CXM Club: Six Key Foundations on Which to Build Great Leadership

Royston Guest is a global authority on growing businesses and unlocking people potential. He is CEO of Pti-Worldwide, the author of best-selling business growth book, Built to Grow, and will be a guest speaker at the upcoming CXM Club meeting...


CX Strategies for a Digital-First World

In recent years, there’s been a significant shift in the software industry – applications moving from on-premise deployments to be managed and hosted in the cloud. The implications of this move have caused significant reverberations in the way software organisations operate,...


Journey Mapping: The Route to Succesful Commerce

Generic marketing campaigns and the traditional ways of targeting consumers in a catch-all manner are no longer relevant. Personalisation is now driving marketing and advertising strategies. The new 790-square-metre screen (bigger than a full-sized tennis court) being installed at Piccadilly...


No Complaints as Major Awards Event Celebrates Cream of UK Customer Service Staff

One of the most significant events in the UK’s customer service calendar has taken place in London, with winners and runners-up celebrating success at the 2018 UK Complaint Handling Awards. Hosted by Awards International at London’s Park Plaza Riverbank, the event,...


Ian Golding Takes on Chairman Role as UK Customer Experience Awards Launch for 2018

The UK Customer Experience Awards has a new Chairman at the helm of the event for 2018: international CX expert Ian Golding. The non-executive editor at CXM will aim to ensure the awards event, which is now open for entries, has...


Avoid Paying the Cost of a Disgruntled Customer

Customers are paramount to business success, and ensuring your business maintains customer satisfaction throughout the entire customer journey is a complex and important process, as the cost of getting it wrong and creating a disgruntled customer can be huge. Here we...


Lack of Data Integration and Exec Buy-In is Risking CX ROI

A survey by Confirmit and Engage Business Media, The State of CX, has revealed that CX professionals are right to put ROI, data integration, and executive buy-in at the top of the Customer Experience ‘wish list’ for 2018.  The research found that...


Glass Act: How Autoglass has put Customer Experience at the Heart of the Business

With over 1,000,000 customers, Autoglass repair or replace any type of glass on any make, model, or age of vehicle. A part of the Belron Group serving nine million customers a year in 31 countries, they are committed to customer...


Get Ready for These CX Trends

The Customer Experience industry is changing at an unprecedented pace and businesses must prepare for dynamic developments throughout the year. Here are the major trends shaping the industry in 2018 in order to help businesses to understand the current challenges and...


Employee Feedback: Are you Listening Carefully?

Feedback tools are part of a growing industry within the HR technology world that is enabling the possibility of real-time feedback. Gone are the days of the annual engagement survey which often took several months to return any results or...

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