Category: Customer Experience

CX Tales of Terror

Halloween is traditionally a time of good-natured spooky fun – unless you’re a character in one of the season’s many linked horror movies, in which case, why are you reading this? Go and hide in a closet. Yet in the world...


Survey Reveals Fears Among European Talent Leaders

A survey of 400 talent leaders in seven European countries has highlighted 42 percent of talent leaders think the shortage of specific skills is the biggest challenge facing their talent acquisition strategy, which is affecting productivity and profit. 29 percent of...


These Two Common Tools are Killing Customer Experience!

Creating great Customer Experience can be hard….however, creating CX that is truly innovative can sometimes feel impossible. Just keeping-up with competitors requires continuous improvement, doing something new in your industry requires herculean effort, and doing something innovative cross-industry is surely the...


Biting Back: UK-Born McDonald’s Boss Plans to Reclaim Value-Hungry Customers in US

After a period in which McDonald’s learned the hard way about holding onto customers who seek value in their fast food, the chain plans to unveil a new line-up to replace their famous ‘Dollar Menu’. That revamping of a modern US...


Keeping Customer Loyalty: The Ultimate Guide to Deals and Discounts

As a business, there will be times when you decide to offer discounts, deals, or coupons to increase revenue and customer loyalty. However, if not done correctly, you could cause significant damage to your brand, and even become unprofitable. Here, business management...


Better Your B2B Customer Experience in Five Easy Steps

Whilst few B2B executives would disagree that it’s important to provide a great Customer Experience, many struggle to translate their best intentions into practical transformational actions.  Here are five practical steps B2B executives can take to improve their CX. 1) Design,...


Achieving B2B and B2C Experience Parity

It is high time B2B companies finally embraced what B2C companies have known for years. In 2009, when I was running usability research for  Skype’s business proposition, I noticed that business customers were starting to ask questions like: “If the websites...


Major Airline Aquires SandSIV to Handle Customer Data

CX platform provider SandSIV, has added “one of the world’s largest airlines” to its customer base. The as-yet unnamed carrier joins other business-to-consumer brands in using SandSIV technology as a global hub for Voice of Customer (VoC) intelligence. Airlines have access to...


Winner Focus: Octopus Energy

With an ethos that “buying energy should be as simple as buying cornflakes”, Octopus Energy have won over many eco-aware consumers in recent years, and their success has now been rewarded with a UK Customer Experience Award. The firm, which cultivates...


Hales’ Heroes & Villains

Awards International Chairman Don Hales returns for more biting observations on Customer Experience. In the Don’s sights this week are one of the UK’s top seats of learning, and an organisation that is losing trust with the public. To nominate who YOU...

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