Category: Customer Experience

Adapting to the Post-Pandemic Customer Experience
Those who haven’t started to thrive in this new post-pandemic economy should take note of the following trends pertaining to the new customer experience.This pandemic has stripped many businesses of budgets and stunted growth initiatives, whilst simultaneously forcing them to...

Want to get more from your surveys? Close the customer feedback loop!
Many companies are striving to become more customer-centric. They have set up numerous ways of listening to their customers at multiple customer journey touchpoints. However, few have built effective response mechanisms into their customer surveys and managed to close the...

FedEx Partners Up for Better CX
The lockdown has changed consumers shopping habits. Online purchasing is here to stay, and shipping companies found themselves in an urge to meet consumers needs and expectations.Now more than ever, businesses have to know their customer’s habits and attitudes, so...

The big three ingredients of success in EX and CX
What makes up for the big success in EX and CX? Do you know how to achieve it?The Sears ‘employee–customer–profit chain’ was among the first empirical research to make the link between attitudes and organisational performance. Published in the Harvard...

How to use virtual events effectively to close deals in a post-covid world
Winning big deals used to mean getting in front of important decisions makers, speaking to them, selling your goods or services and building genuine relationships. This was done through meetings, events and sometimes social outings. Naturally, the pandemic put a...

The Data Science Behind a Winning Customer Experience
There is ongoing talk about creating a winning customer experience through the understanding of customers’ needs in a constantly evolving and uncertain landscape. What does that actually mean? With the consumer shift to digital-only being fast-tracked by the national lockdowns,...

How to choose the right customer experience metrics
Let’s start with “Why”, like Simon Sinek recommends. (1) Before we dive deep into the topic of how to choose the right customer experience metrics, we have a more pressing question to ask. Why do organisations need to measure “customer...

The Message for 2021? Get Some Good Chat
Never before has it been so vital for all businesses to digitally transform – or risk being left behind. Virtually overnight, worldwide lockdowns have driven commerce almost exclusively online, forcing companies of all sizes to contend with dramatically changing customer...

The Third Global Edition of World CX Summit Brought Unending Possibilities of CEM to the Forefront
World CX Summit – Asia digitally congregated some of the distinguished speakers in the Customer Experience ecosystem, while global technology leaders showcased their CX solutions in the presence of more than 200 pre-qualified delegates across Asia. CX visionaries shed light...

Top Trends for Sales and Marketing Leaders in 2021
The impact of 2020 was far-reaching, especially for sales and marketing teams. With business and consumer spending habits having dramatically changed due to uncertainty, as we move forward into 2021, how can businesses overcome this challenge, especially in the wake...