Category: Digital Experience

Is live chat support a blessing in disguise for online retail stores?
No one can question the importance that good customer service holds for the success of any business, and when it comes to e-commerce websites, its importance increases by many folds. This is because whilst making a transaction on a virtual...

Hexagon Housing unlock the potential of call recording and put residents first
With over 120 staff operating in South East London, Hexagon Housing have been providing quality social housing care and support services to vulnerable client groups for more than 20 years. Managing over 4,000 properties, three independent care homes and dealing...

Top spot for Morrisons
Morrisons appears at long last to have something to smile about. The supermarket’s online shopping service is now significantly ahead of all of its rivals in the latest Customer Experience Magazine/SpectrumInsight digital shopping tracker covering the period from 1...

Celebrating the Digital Winners
FINALISTS were converted to winners at the first ever UK Digital Experience Awards 2014, held in London last Wednesday. Created to recognise and celebrate the delivery of exceptional customer experience through digital channels and media, the Awards proved to be a...

Nando's on top when it comes to social media
Casual dining restaurant Nando’s has topped the very first Food and Beverage Social Media Benchmark from eDigitalResearch with more followers on both Facebook and Twitter than any other food and beverage brand. Nando’s have nearly 3million followers on Facebook – over...

Your Customers Believe you Have OCD
No, it’s not as bad as you are thinking. It stands for “Omni-channel Consistency Disorder,” and your customers cannot comprehend why you suffer from it. With ubiquitous access to the Internet via a mobile device, a consumer can seamlessly shift...

Bring Your Own Device: A blessing or a curse?
With approximately 7 in 10 people in the U.K now owning a smartphone, and an increase in sales of tablet devices, it comes as no surprise that many employers are taking advantage and introducing a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)...

‘Speaking but not listening?’ – how to maximise the value of customer service on social media’
Businesses invest significant amounts of time in posting content on social media, regarded as the fastest communications medium ever adopted. However, a massive 95.6% of comments by existing and potential customers go left unanswered and 88% of those that are...

Going Back to Basics on Cybercrime
Lawrence Jones, CEO of internet hosting firm UKFast fights the customers’ corner with a look at why some online businesses still aren’t investing properly in preventing security breaches. Cyberattacks happen constantly but as an online business, it’s important that they don’t...

Is the retail industry socially accepting? Winners and losers in the social media debate
Having a ‘good’ brand experience is the key to ensuring brand loyalty but a ‘bad’ experience can take a lifetime to forget. Social media has the potential to enhance customer experience but it also increases the opportunity for ‘bad’ experiences...