Category: Digital Experience

Digital by Choice in Housing…

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘social housing’? Did you immediately think the housing sector is at the forefront of digital innovation? I doubt it. It seems all too common nowadays for those without a connection...


How can real-time customer service improve your customers’ online experience?

Online experience is very much based on self-service. Part of what defines a well designed website is the facility with which visitors can access the information they need. The website’s architecture, design and the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section play an...


Yarnfield Park Editorial

In pursuit of excellent customer experience through technology, size does matter… says Richard Smith Head of Sales and Marketing at Yarnfield Park. The way that organisations book, plan and deliver their training and conference events has seen major changes over the...


The power of mobile in customer experience

Why mobile? It goes without saying that the mobile is a powerful device. There are now more than 6 billion mobiles in the world – that’s more than there are computers, cars and even toilets! We look at our mobile on...


Autoglass has a clear vision for a great customer experience

It was a dark and stormy night. The woman, stranded by the side of a motorway on the rawest of December days, shivered and peered anxiously into her rear view mirror hoping to see the reassuring lights of the breakdown...


Don’t irritate – Innovate

There is an old saying, which runs ‘just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should’, and it is a lesson, which many would do well to remember when looking at the vast range of possibilities, which have been opened...

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