Category: Digital Experience

an image showing a person's eye in double exposure.

Six best business documentaries that will shift your perspective

Business is an ever-changing aspect of life where you may think you know it all, but there are always lessons to be learnt or old ones to be reminded of. And one of the best ways to learn is through...

an image showing a young woman reading about supply chain resilience

Supply chain resilience lies in advanced technology

The ongoing supply chain crisis is causing B2B suppliers to split their focus between tackling logistical issues and delivering a seamless customer experience. At the same time, many are in the process of either implementing or optimising their B2B eCommerce...

an illustrated image showing artificial intelligence and human intelligence together.

Emotional AI: using deep learning to understand how customers feel

From schools to medical care, all sectors amplified technology usage due to the pandemic. As with anything, there are good, and evil’ points to artificial intelligence (AI). Certainly, so when it comes to emotional AI, which is the focus of...

Ethical accountability of AI

Digital marketers should take a bigger role in ethical oversight of AI

The Gartner Cross-Functional Customer Data Survey responses reveal the complexities that digital marketing leaders face with the collection and customer data management. Although their organisations embrace customer data governance and ethics, many worry their approach creates risk for their organisations. In...


Should you fire your human qual assistant given what AI can do?

Expanding applications of AI and ML are rocking the world of qualitative research. Once a low-tech bastion of high labor intensity, a large team of professionals was standardly needed to execute a project from recruiters to moderators, notetakers and “taggers,”...

Hand reaching out from a screen indictaing Movies that predicted the future

Seven movies that predicted AI and new technologies

Movies are awesome, not many people can deny that. There is so much that goes into creating 24 frames per second of magic. But every movie starts with an idea. Then more is added to that idea to fill out...

an image showing a young woman being observed with the help of surveillance cameras

The decisions algorithms should never make instead of humans

According to research by the UK non-profit organization ‘Big Brother Watch’, 98% of surveillance cameras matches misidentify innocent people. This research further suggests that black people and women risk being misidentified the most.Let’s be clear, we’re talking about artificial intelligence (AI)...

an image showing how playing games can improve your CX skills

Online gaming can help improve your CX skills

The allure of video games is escapism, as well as having fun. However, there is a lot more to be gained from tackling virtual worlds be it in 2D, 3D, or VR (virtual reality). That is the skills you can...

an image explaining the real impact of blockchain on CX

What’s the real impact of blockchain on CX?

What is the impact of blockchain on CX? How can blockchains and CX work together to make a better experience for the customers? This article will explain what cryptocurrency, blockchains, NFTs are, and how they can impact the CX industry....


The role of advertising and keeping kids safe on YouTube

The draft of the Government’s Online Safety Bill already receiving criticism for not being robust enough to keep children safe from illegal or harmful content. Coupled with the huge increase in internet and social media use among children, it is...

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