Category: Digital Experience

Constantly Connected Customer Service: The Future is Both Human and Digital

Staying in touch is not difficult in today’s technology-driven, interconnected society. The wealth of smart devices and innovative apps at our disposal mean that instant communication is at our fingertips, transforming the way we shop and engage with brands. Businesses now offer their...


Premium WiFi Keeps Passengers on the Right Track

Unforeseen delays, technical faults, and weather conditions: these are some of the everyday issues which can cause disruption for Train Operating Companies (TOCs), resulting in a poor passenger experience and dissatisfied customers. For TOCs, ensuring all passengers enjoy a comfortable and...


Jeremy King Knows Data – This we can Attest!

Gathering feedback from your target consumers was once a time-consuming or impossible chore, that often gave brands an inaccurate (or blank) picture of the people they want to attract to their products and services. Thankfully, times have changed with the dawning...


Mobile Technology and the Seamless Retail Experience

Emerging technologies have allowed consumers to connect their smartphones in almost any area of their life. Mobile apps that were once built for simple daily chores such as text messaging can now be connected to smart homes, wearable technology, and...


Come Rain or Shine, AI can Provide Perfect Personalisation

A seasonal temperature just 1°C higher or lower than average typically causes a one percent fluctuation in sales, according to recent research. With the UK retail sector being valued at roughly £300 billion, this equates to a potential loss of...


Innovation and the Future of Content Revenue: An Interview with Cris Beswick

Cris Beswick is among the UK’s foremost innovation specialists, and one of the pioneers behind an exciting plan to change how digital media is consumed. That vision is The Future Shapers, a roadmap to bringing quality content and thought leadership pieces...


Reaching the ‘Uninterruptible’ Mobile Customer

Consumers are reclaiming control of their online experience, especially on mobile. Not only are they swiftly scrolling past any ad that doesn’t engage them with a clear and succinct call to action, but also preventing the ads from appearing in...


Stylish win for StrategiQ Marketing

A “calculated risk” paid off for an award-winning design and marketing firm that has helped change how customers choose hair and beauty salons. StrategiQ Marketing won Silver in the Customer Feedback and Review category at the recent 2018 UK Digital Experience Awards,...


Lessons from the 2018 UK Digital Experience Awards: Communication is Everything

 Lisa Garthside is Senior Director of Customer Experience Management at Confirmit, and judged at the 2018 UK Digital Experience Awards.    The longer I work in the Voice of the Customer (VoC) arena, the more I have come to believe in the...


Benefit by Bridging the Digital Skills Gap

The digital world offers opportunities and benefits to all of us as individuals, professionals, and businesses. It connects us, empowers innovation and permeates what seems like every aspect of our lives, yet the demand for digital skills continues to outstrip...

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