Category: Digital Experience

Morrisons customers out-tweet Waitrose for happiness, but Topshop beats them both

Customers have been tweeted Topshop into first place in the latest monthly study into online shopping by SpectrumInsight. February’s statistics reveal that Morrisons is still impressing consumers while Waitrose’s woes, which started during the run-up to Christmas, have continued. The SpectrumInsight study...


Can Morrisons take a slice out of Waitrose’s online market share?

The supermarket giants battled it out during the festive period, but an analysis of customer comments about online deliveries suggest that Morrisons is posing a threat to its Bracknell-based rival, Waitrose.   The northern supermarket’s early foray into online shopping is...


Retailers warned not to sacrifice customer service in the pursuit of new technology

Consumer confidence and spending are on the up, but retailers could be at risk of falling at the first hurdle by failing to keep their IT services in working order, claims the MD of Barron McCann.

 It is fair to say...


Lessons for Retail from luxury aftercare

Customers have never been as demanding as they are today and expectations continue to rise rapidly. In the past few years alone we’ve seen personalisation, targeted ads and a seamless multi-channel experience become must haves rather than nice to haves,...


The opportunity presenting UK retailers aboard in the US market

US customers shopping on UK sites are a significant and largely unexplored online retail audience. Whilst they’re a relatively small base (about 4% of total visits), they’re disproportionately valuable, spending around 3.88 times more than the average UK customers. Based...


Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) Vs Customer Loyalty Measurement by MR

A Wikipedia definition is always a good place to start when dealing with buzzwords or acronyms: “Enterprise feedback management is a system of processes and software that enables organizations to centrally manage deployment of surveys while dispersing authoring and analysis throughout an organization… …Modern EFM...


Customer experience strategy – running before we can walk

According to the recent eConsultancy/Adobe 2014 Digital Trends report, customer experience is “the single most exciting opportunity” for client side respondents. Second most exciting was ‘mobile’, which given all the hyperbole surrounding it must come as a bit of a...


2014: The year of value-based messaging

If 2013 was the year of the OTT mobile chat app, 2014 will be the year of the value-based SMS message, says Adrian Sarosi of OpenMarket. One of the big mobile stories of 2013 was chat apps, such as recent Facebook...


Is the UK Public Sector Ready for “Digital By Default”?

A nationwide survey of over 400 public sector decision makers across 328 organisations points to a sector that is looking to go “Digital by Default” in delivering citizen services. Conducted by research company iGov, the survey also found gaps in the...


Why it pays to be Anti-Social

The power of social media when used in the right way is undeniable, but used in the wrong way it can be detrimental to a brands efforts. In this context I will be debating that brands are spending too much time,...

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