Category: Digital Experience

How to Minimize Shopping Cart Abandonment

Effective customer service solutions can mean the difference between profit and loss! Shopping cart abandonment is a direct result of customer experience and can be minimized by employing effective customer service solutions and knowledge based systems. nanoRep is leading the way...


From Revolution to Evolution – The Digital Customer Experience Becomes Part of Our Every-Day Lives

Christmas 2013 has been widely recognised as the tipping point for online shopping in the UK: the moment that history will look back on, when UK consumer habits changed forever from traditional to digital shopping. Of course it is not quite...


Why it pays to be Anti-Social

The power of social media when used in the right way is undeniable, but used in the wrong way it can be detrimental to a brands efforts. In this context I will be debating that brands are spending too much time,...


Digital customer experience in a multiscreen world

Twenty years ago life was simple. It was the mid-nineties and by 1995 the internet would enter public consciousness and become privatised as the US Government withdrew its funding. AOL offered access to the web via easy to use browsers...


The 4 contact centre ‘killer’ channels for 2014

As multichannel comes of age in 2014, Richard McCrossan, Strategic Business Director at Genesys, shares his list of the top emerging trends for 2014 in the contact centre. According to a recent Ovum international study of 8,000 consumers, the majority of...


How linguistics can transform the customer experience

In today’s competitive environment, the customer experience has never been so important. Organisations need an innovative approach to deal with an increasing number of customer queries while reducing costs and improving the quality, speed and efficiency of every interaction. An ever-increasing...


Digital by Choice in Housing…

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘social housing’? Did you immediately think the housing sector is at the forefront of digital innovation? I doubt it. It seems all too common nowadays for those without a connection...


How can real-time customer service improve your customers’ online experience?

Online experience is very much based on self-service. Part of what defines a well designed website is the facility with which visitors can access the information they need. The website’s architecture, design and the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section play an...


Yarnfield Park Editorial

In pursuit of excellent customer experience through technology, size does matter… says Richard Smith Head of Sales and Marketing at Yarnfield Park. The way that organisations book, plan and deliver their training and conference events has seen major changes over the...


The power of mobile in customer experience

Why mobile? It goes without saying that the mobile is a powerful device. There are now more than 6 billion mobiles in the world – that’s more than there are computers, cars and even toilets! We look at our mobile on...

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