Category: Employee Experience

Blues Bothers: Mental Health Remains Taboo Talk in Workplace

Mental health in the workplace remains a difficult subject, with most professionals uncomfortable discussing issues with colleagues, research has found. The findings are included in a whitepaper from recruitment consultancy Robert Walters ahead of Blue Monday (21 January), which is commonly cited as the most...


Dubai to Host Workers Incentives Conference

The First Workers Incentives and End of Service Benefits Conference & Exhibition will take place in Dubai in February.Under the patronage of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, the event will be organised by Mondial Dubai LLC, the leading financial advisory...


Meet & Veg: ‘Pointless’ Meetings Costing Companies

Poorly organised meetings are costing time and money for the UK’s employees, a new report has found. Online scheduling platform Doodle has released its The Doodle State of Meetings Report 2019, based on data and new research conducted with 6,528 professionals in...


Boss Baby: Big Business Urged to Contribute to Employee Childcare

Bigger UK businesses should pick up the childcare tab for employees, according to a new survey of parents. Research commissioned by Cuckooz Nest, a workspace with integrated nursery and sister company to Cuckooz, has found that 85 percent of parents believe...


EX Report Reveals Professionals ‘in the Driving Seat’ in 2019

Employee Experience will continue to be a major factor in business success in 2019, according to a new US report that reveals staff will look elsewhere for work if professional development opportunities are not offered. Recruitment firm The Execu|Search Group has released...


Team Players: Employees Seek Sports Perks

The UK workforce is increasingly keen for companies to offer them more team-based perks such as company sports teams, according to new research. A study of 2,315 UK workers published in the 2018 Great Perk Search Report by UK Customer Experience Awards winners Perkbox shows...


Present Politics: Most Employees Neglect Gifts for Bosses

Employees could be missing out on opportunities to strengthen office relationships, as new research has revealed how most workers don’t present their boss with a token gift at the end of the year. A study of 1,000 UK workers published in...


Cheerio to Poor Employee Experience for Cereal Staff

One of the world’s biggest breakfast cereal brands has undergone an Employee Experience transformation inspired by one of their most iconic products. General Mills, the 150-year-old US-based maker of Cheerios, has spent the last three years transforming their HR experience, focusing on...


Employees’ Most Desired Workplace Benefits Revealed

The quality of workplace benefits provided by an organisation can significantly contribute towards the happiness and retention of existing employees. Likewise, when recruiting, the generosity of a benefits package will have a bearing on the appeal of a business to...


Top Workplace Stress Causes in 2018

Recent figures from the Health and Safety Executive show that almost 600,000 workers are suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2018, with 15.4 million working days lost due to work-related stress this year. With the year coming to an...

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