Category: Employee Experience

Survey Reveals Fears Among European Talent Leaders

A survey of 400 talent leaders in seven European countries has highlighted 42 percent of talent leaders think the shortage of specific skills is the biggest challenge facing their talent acquisition strategy, which is affecting productivity and profit. 29 percent of...


Brewdog: How Beer Trailblazers Keep Employees Happy in the Doghouse

In 2007, James Watt and Martin Dickie teamed up in a bid to rid the world of bland, monolithic beer and they started home brewing in their garage. BrewDog was born, with the aim to revolutionise the beer industry and...


The Human League: Perry Timms’ HR Model Set to Revolutinise Business

Most would agree that running a successful business requires investing in, and taking care of, employees, and doing that is next to impossible without Human Resources. The composite professionals of a good HR team are the bridge between staff and management,...


Survey Reveals Barriers to Better Customer Service in UK Public Sector

Budget, reduced staff numbers, and barriers to innovation are the biggest challenges to improving customer service in the public sector according to new research. YPO, the UK’s largest public sector buying organisation and one of only a handful of public bodies...


The Four Pillars of Employee Experience Success

In our personal lives we’re used to giving and receiving instant feedback. Whether a like on an Instagram photo, retweet of a Twitter post, or a reaction on a Facebook status, we have grown accustomed to receiving real-time feedback. Yet...


Connecting Staff for the Black Friday Onslaught

While retailers welcome the uplift in revenue that comes with Black Friday, for staff – especially in-store staff – the experience is often far less welcome. Prioritising activity can be tough for store associates during a normal sales day, but...


Maximise Engagement through Employee Experience

The global workforce is getting restless. In fact, it seems to be distinctly dissatisfied. Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace report revealed that 51 percent of US employees are disengaged, and this is by no means news. Engagement levels have...


Tea-riffic!: UK Workers Spend Over 100 Hours Per Year Making Cuppas

According to new research, British workers rack up over 100 hours per year making tea and other drinks. The optimum time for a ‘tea break’ is seven minutes, and according to Brits, you should have four tea breaks on average...


Understanding the Psychology of Employee Feedback

The exchange of honest feedback is critical to the smooth running of a business and an important element of any performance management system. But this doesn’t mean it is always warmly welcomed or eagerly anticipated. In fact, performance discussions and...


How to Increase Employee Efficiency in Contact Centres

As many of you know, your employees are the most important part of your contact centre operation. They are also the most expensive, taking anywhere between 50% – 90% of the overall annual contact centre cost. It then stands to...

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