Category: Employee Experience

Do You Have What It Takes to Be One of the Best Companies in the Country?

Attracting the best talent is becoming increasingly difficult for UK businesses, which is why the most successful organisations are going above and beyond to create a thriving, engaging and fun working environment for their employees. In an intensely competitive market,...


Captains of CX Industry: Four Things Your CEO Is Thinking and What You Can Do about It

Ipsos Loyalty’s annual survey, “Captains of Industry”, asks executive board-level directors and chairmen of some of the UK’s biggest companies[1] for their views on the issues of the day. As well as illuminating what the most senior people in UK...


Shop Direct Ramps Up Big Data Investment with Senior Hire

Shop Direct, the UK’s second largest pureplay online retailer, has continued its investment in big data and personalisation by hiring Gael Decoudu as head of data science and digital analytics. Gael, who has over 10 years’ experience as a leader...


Employees Likely to Pull a Sickie after Euro 2016 Games

73% of Human Resources (HR) directors believe employees are likely to call in sick, or make an excuse for skipping work, the day after a major sporting event Friday 17th June possibly had a peak in ‘sporting sickies’ after England’s and...


4 Tips for the CDO to Ensure the Digital Customer Experience

There’s no denying the profound impact that the ‘digital age’ continues to have on our day-to-day and business lives. Mapping the range of types of devices and platforms that users now use to engage with brands and businesses is only...


How to Keep the Focus on Staff Productivity during the Summer

Contact centre operators don’t have an easy life. They’re constantly having to juggle a variety of requirements that don’t naturally gel together well. For instance, while everyone wants to provide a great customer experience and retain a motivated workforce, the...


Can You Call in Sick?

The aching truth: If a Brit was to fall ill or injured and out of work for a month, they would only receive 15% of their monthly wage.   First4lawyers surveyed 2000 working Brits on paid sick leave and health and safety...


Brits Top 20 Bucket List – Travel Above All

Do you have that burning desire to escape the workplace for a life of travel? With summer fast approaching 48% of the UK workforce are not planning their summer holiday, instead they are looking to swap their briefcase for a backpack...

The Challenges of Extending Working Lives

The Challenges of Extending Working Lives

British Safety Council supports the new EU-OSHA Healthy Workplaces for All Ages campaign The European workforce is ageing fast. By 2030, employees aged over 55 are expected to make up 30% or more of the total workforce in many EU countries. In...

Google Voted Most Popular Employer in the UK by Undergraduates

Google Voted Most Popular Employer in the UK by Undergraduates

For the second year in a row, Google has been voted by undergraduates as the most popular graduate employer in a record poll of 52,000 undergraduates conducted by international research firm trendence. The full list of the 300 most popular graduate...

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