While excellent customer experience (CX) is widely accepted as a cornerstone of business success, it can be challenging to sustain over time. The key to innovating customer experience and breaking this pattern is experimentation.

This is according to Optimizely’s Experimentation Culture report. 75% of companies said experimentation improved their digital revenue by over 5%. Who exactly is responsible for effective experimentation? Further research conducted by Optimizely suggests that it is junior marketers who are at the forefront of this innovation.

Here are three reasons behind the success of young professionals:

Testing instead of guessing

Junior marketers seem motivated to try new things when it comes to experimentation, testing, and personalisation. 50% say that trying out new techniques and ideas to improve CX is a significant part of their daily activities.

Even though these professionals are at early stages in their careers, it is clear that they have the motivation to drive innovation and become pioneers within their craft. As future CMOs, this drive and passion is surely something to be commended and celebrated.

There are huge benefits that accompany the investment in young professionals.They have a lot of fresh ideas that they can bring to the table. By nurturing and supporting their growth, there is a high chance that they will become fully-fledged professionals in no time.

Experimenting for CX innovation and product development

Not only are junior marketers regularly trialling new ideas, but they are also trusted with this experimentation. Only 14% of junior marketers report they do not have the freedom to try new things.

Clearly, most young professionals have lots of opportunities to experiment and their fresh ideas are appreciated by the wider team. Other members of the marketing team are recognising the need to allow junior marketers to experiment with new methodologies.

Experimentation is integral to the development of customer experience. Successful experiments allow for the introduction of innovative ideas and enhance the ability to personalise every touchpoint on a website. This creates an improved, hyper-personalised experience for the customer.

Final thoughts

In the Experimentation Culture report, Optimizely highlights that 50% of marketing assistants are directly responsible for improving CX. This is compared to 42% of marketers at a management level.

Junior marketers, as expected, are having a greater impact when it comes to experimentation. When analysing the results of CX experiments, it was found that not only are senior marketers more likely to include fewer variables in their experiments (reducing the value of their results), but they are less likely to revise their opinions in the face of conflicting data.

It is invaluable to have junior marketers integrated into the experimentation process. They are often more receptive to new ideas and are happy to take risks. To help with these innovative ideas, senior marketers need to support their team’s creativity to help drive the change.

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