The winners of the 2020 International Customer Experience Awards have celebrated victory following the full day of the Finalists’ presentations live online.

The third edition of the awards event saw contenders from across the globe gather online to compete for the most coveted award in CX. Companies from the US, UK, Russia, Germany, UAE, South Africa, Poland and 35 other countries made this a truly international event.

The Overall winner of the night was BSH, Europe’s leading home appliance manufacturer. The company also won three Gold awards in three categories: Business Change and Transformation, Employee Empowerment, and CX Team of the Year.

Hailing from the Gulf region, Ministry of Housing – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia claimed four awards in total: two Gold Awards for Digital Transformation, and Best Measurement in Customer Experience and two Bronze Awards for Best Use of Mobile, and Best Use of Digital – Customers at the Heart of Everything.

Other notable wins include SAP, EF Kids and Teens, Shell, Chalhoub Group, Telefonica Germany, Sberbank and many others.

Click here for a full list of winners.

Once again, the Awards chairman Ian Golding was the host of the online event, welcoming and interviewing the Father of NPS, Fred Reichheld. Joining later in the evening, Gabe Smith CCXP, Content Manager at Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) gave a keynote speech the state of CX globally.

Speaking after the event, CEO of Awards International Neil Skehel said: “Congratulations to all of our winners, and to all finalists who joined us online for what has become one of the most important dates in the global CX calendar. The standard of entries for this, the third year of the awards, has been absolutely fantastic. We look forward to seeing more exciting customer-centric initiatives in 2021.”

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