Recently launched BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands report shows the technology sector dominating the chart, representing over 30 percent of brand value. Apple maintained its position as the second most valuable global brand (+14 percent, $352.2bn), followed by Microsoft (+30 percent, $326.5bn) and Google (+5 percent, $323.6bn).

Amazon continues to top the chart, investing heavily in digitisation and online to offline (O2O) and driving retail category growth (+32 percent, $415.85bn). Amazon’s value grew by almost $100bn this year. making up a third of the Top 100’s total growth.

Microsoft regained the third chart position thanks to its cloud-enabled workplace ecosystem that includes Office365 and Microsoft Teams, enabling users to do business as usual during the lockdown.

The categories hit the hardest by the impacts of COVID-19 are telecoms, banking and energy. Three UK brands have remained in the 2020 Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking, Vodafone (no. 55, $23.1bn), HSBC (no.67, $18.8bn) and Shell (no.83, $16.1bn). Prior to the global pandemic, the total brand value of the Top 100 brands was set to increase by 9 percent.

Entertainment and media category performed quite well, as consumers spend more time online during the lockdown, including Netflix at no. 26 (+34 percent, $45.9bn), Instagram (+47 percent, $41.5bn) at no. 29, Linkedin (+31 percent, $29.9bn) at no.43 and Xbox (+18 percent, $19.6bn) at no.65.

TikTok (no. 79, $16.9bn) was noted as the highest new entry of the year, an online platform offering fun, user-generated content, something consumers particularly found interesting during the pandemic lockdown.

Jane Bloomfield, Chief Growth Officer, Kantar UK said: “Against a backdrop of uncertainty, those companies that have consistently made smart investments in longer-term marketing and in building strong brands have managed to stave off the worst of the crisis to date. Our BrandZ data allows business leaders to understand how much ‘brand’ drives their business revenues and growth. It also provides valuable information on what brands must do to help them remain relevant and adapt to changing consumer needs. COVID-19 has indiscriminately impacted everyone, including UK brands. However, consistent investment in marketing can and will help carry you through a crisis.”

Mark Chamberlain, Managing Director of Brand, Kantar UK, commented: “As we adapt to the ‘next normal’ as the pandemic and life evolves, UK brands, both large and small, have to pay attention to the key consumer themes emerging from lockdown that will play a role in future behaviour and consumption​. We see these across five key areas that all brands should look to understand and monitor. They are increased self-reliance and resourcefulness in ‘using what you’ve got’ to create entertainment, cook food and offer little luxuries; saving over-spending to protect against harder times; honesty, transparency and directness are more valued than ever; we see increased appreciation of local communities and economies as Britain becoming more inward looking in seeking products and connections closer to home; and finally consumers are seeking leadership and businesses that put people before profits. If you can meaningfully amplify these things in a way that is consistent and true to the brand, that brand will be primed to win more than its fair share.”

To see the full list, click here.

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