A guide to conversational messaging

A guide to conversational messaging

Conversational messaging channels are essential to the omnichannel communication approach, offering consumers a choice in how they want to engage. Through a range of touchpoints, they gain access to 24/7 customer service and valuable proactive updates. They can type and tap to conveniently make purchases and get the information they need. 

It’s about delivering more personalized interactions that create a better experience on the channels that consumers want to use. 

In this guide, you will learn about the capabilities of channels such as Apple Messages for Business, Google’s Business Messages, Instagram, RCS, and WhatsApp for Business and why they are essential to delivering interactions that will win and retain customers.

Rich messaging channels are a priority for brands to integrate into their customer experience strategy. 

Download the guide and learn how can brands get started with combining new channels, AI capabilities, and process automation to transform CX.

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