Capturing The ROI Of CX

Capturing The ROI Of CX

Build a persuasive CX business case with Forrester’s complimentary step-by-step guide and ROI calculator.

Customer experience professionals often struggle to show how their efforts will produce bottom line results, particularly when trying to secure funding and executive buy-in for customer experience (CX) initiatives.

Fortunately, telling a compelling financial story is highly achievable, as good CX is good for the top and bottom line. The key is to effectively prioritise, quantify, and measure your company’s efforts.

Download Forrester’s complimentary guide to understand how to build a CX business case and measure financial results. You’ll also receive an Excel-based calculator that enables you to generate a Return-On-Investment (ROI) model using your own company data.

Use the included ROI of CX transformation calculator to:

  • Record your ROI model’s assumptions.
  • Calculate benefits and costs.
  • Assess risk-to-benefit and risk-to-cost.
  • Determine both low- and high-case financial results.

Download Guide