Corporations have been trying to harness the power of a single view of a customer for the last 25 years. Amazon and other internet giants realised early on the advantage of building an integrated view of a customer without having to resort to multiple standalone systems.

Businesses from financial services, retail, healthcare, and hospitality, on the other hand, have spent years and an unfathomable amount of money toiling to connect data from siloed systems and construct a complete view of their customer. Data warehouses were built and knocked down, as organisations struggled to understand their customers from stockpiles of data that couldn’t be integrated or analysed.

Most customer experience was bad and it was expensive,” said Jonathan Corbin, CEO of Maven AGI, a US startup aiming to solve data integration issues that have plagued customer experiences for the last quarter century.

Data is not connected, and the people that are using the data don’t have a complete picture of me, or my previous interactions,” he added.

According to Corbin, generative artificial intelligence now provides organisations with the opportunity to solve their integration headaches. Maven AGI has spent time trying to solve three problems: firstly how to pull together data types that typically don’t belong together, secondly how to aggregate personal information from various touchpoints, and finally how to enable APIs between the data and different applications.

We’ve actually built a data layer, maybe in years past, we’d have called it a middle layer,” explained Corbin. The gen-AI ingredient in the data layer enables the platform to identify ‘gaps in the data’ in terms of what customers are looking for.

Maven’s AI-power data layer has been in operation with TripAdvisor for the last seven months on the business-to-business side of the organisation. The results have been impressive, “accelerating agent capabilities by 30%,” claimed Corbin.

Maven AGI is currently looking to recruit software developers to produce APIs for its horizontal platform. “80% of the challenges that most companies face from a support perspective can be answered by using our product… but there are verticals where more specialisation [is] required,” commented Corbin.

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