Big four supermarket Morrisons is one of the retail industry’s fastest growing social media brands, according to the latest Retail Social Media Benchmark results from eDigitalResearch, topping the Twitter growth league table.

The recent study saw Morrisons climb an impressive seventy six places in the benchmarks top twenty Twitter league table, gaining over 160,000 new followers thanks to their increased online presence since the previous research period in August 2015, despite only being able to deliver to 52% the population.

The supermarket actively promotes its cost conscious product offering. Morrisons closest competitors have a huge social media following yet fail to attract as large as a following as Morrisons, suggesting that some of the largest brands could be doing more.

Analysis of social media comments using eDigitalResearch’s HUB Text Analytics tool reveal the majority of Twitter users are talking about Morrisons’ charity efforts and customer service. It appears that, on average, social media users use Twitter as a customer service tool.

The latest benchmark also found that Marks and Spencer have made some of the biggest improvements wave-on-wave having gained over 1.5 million new followers on their Facebook page moving them into fourth place within the league. Marks and Spencer capitalise on the ever growing health and fitness market with celebrity endorsements and healthy product ranges.

Kat Hounsell, Sales and Marketing Director at eDigitalResearch, comments,

“A key trend for 2016 will be focusing on emotion. The challenging task retailers are up against is accurately listening to what customers are saying on social media and how to effectively react to that information. Proactively engaging and managing these social conversations correctly is paramount to ensure your customer experience is the very best it can be.”

For a copy of the full Retail Social Media Benchmark results, please complete the following short registration survey:


The Retail Social Media Benchmark was completed between the 11th and 18th January comparing the amount of followers or likes over 100 of the UK’s top retail brands have on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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