Call centres are renowned for being among the world’s most high-pressure working environments – with tough sales targets and hectic work schedules often resulting in a culture of tension and anxiety. This whirlwind setting makes a calm and capable manager more important than ever, with agents looking to their leader for moral support, professional insight and motivation on tap – but that’s not all.
Today, the call centre experts at OBWIN are providing a blueprint for managers ready to take their team to new heights. By working to create these positive habits, call centre managers can become a catalyst for increased productivity and strengthen their relationships with agents for the benefit of employer and employee alike.
They Support Their Staff
Independence and initiative may be highly desirable traits in call centre agents, but no team member can or should be expected to work autonomously at all times. Whether it’s informational resources or one-on-one expert support, all employees should feel as though they have the suite of tools and rounded skill set they need to do what’s expected of them. Successful call centre managers make it their duty to ensure that the professional needs of every team member are met, giving agents confidence in their own ability while enabling them to brush up on their knowledge between calls.
They Make Employee Retention a Priority
Keeping a firm hold on your call centre’s top talent starts with you, as an employee’s relationship with their manager can have a direct and considerable impact on their overall job satisfaction. Employee retention should be among your primary objectives as a call centre manager – and the good news is there are tons of simple and effective tools for engagement at your disposal.
Development is key to professional stimulation, and it’s up to you to provide agents with the time, resources and facilities they need to continually hone their vocational skills.
On top of aiding development, communication is, again, absolutely vital – so ensure your team are given ample opportunity to make themselves heard, and give every concern or suggestion the attention it’s due.
They Value Open Communication
Scripts can take call centre staff so far – but when an unusual problem requires an inventive solution, agents need the comfort and encouragement of a supportive manager. From everyday problem-solving to longer chats around career progression, taking the time to talk to your team about their struggles, ideas and motivations will allow you to create closer bonds with agents while also providing you with invaluable insight on the individual members who comprise your workforce.
They Reinvent the Wheel
Call centre environments are notoriously monotonous – and it’s your responsibility as a manager to find new and creative ways to permeate the monotony in a bid to motivate your team. Implementing games and incentives in the office and giving agents the freedom to shake up their own workloads will, together, allow you to keep your staff engaged and alert. Channel the fast-paced nature of this working environment in a positive way and watch employees thrive in their roles as an otherwise repetitive day of work instead becomes a day of activities, challenges and personal achievements.
They Practice What They Preach
Leading by example is crucial for office morale – as a manager who says one thing and does another sets a precedent for staff behaviour and relationships within the team. Transparency can be found at the heart of every successful company’s ethos and, by serving as living proof of the skills and attributes you’d like to see in your agents, you can create that all-important ripple effect.
 If you’re looking to champion mutual trust and respect between employer and employee, the buck stops with you – so be open and understanding in your communications with agents.
When it comes to taking a proactive approach to professional development, dedicate some of your own time to keeping your finger on the industry pulse if you’d like to give your team a reason to do the same.
Whether you want to incentivise extraordinary agents to stay with your call centre for the long haul or treat the symptoms of a dysfunctional company culture, by aspiring to these qualities, you can become a manager who engages, educates and motivates a talented workforce.
Interesting Links:
- Empower Contact Centre Agents With Adaptive WFO
- Contact Centre Data Holds the Key to Boosting Customer Satisfaction
- 8 Steps to Deal with Tricky Customer Calls