Tag: Artificial Intelligence

How AI-Driven Contact Can Revolutionise Your Customer Relationships

It used to be that when someone said “AI”, images of sci-fi films came to mind. Nowadays, the effect is more prosaic: it’s become de rigeur to use AI as shorthand for “business wonder cure”. When we hear “AI”, we know we’re...


Contact Centre GDPR Compliance: 3 Simple Steps

Contact centres are challenging places. There is certainly plenty to think about with the rising cost of salaries, managing schedules to meet customer demand, looking after staff wellbeing, PCI DDSS compliance, and now the added requirements of GDPR (General Data...


How Conversational AI Reimagines the Customer Journey

Analysts predict that spending on Artificial Intelligence in the retail sector will reach $7.3 billion by 2022, a majority of which will be poured into customer-facing conversational AI solutions like voice assistants and chatbots. That’s not surprising, given how the power of conversation is...


Transform Your CX With a Single View of the Customer

Brands are working harder than ever to enhance Customer Experience as people increasingly demand a streamlined and immediate service from the companies they interact with. Research from Dimension Data shows that 58 percent of consumers would be willing to spend...


It’s the end of Phone Support as we Know it (and I Feel Fine)

I rarely use and never want to pick up my phone anymore. That is, the phone part of the phone. I happily use my mobile phone all of the time – to communicate, read, and for entertainment. But using the...


Why Contact Centres Should Think Before They Speak

We’re flush with new ways to engage with customers, but businesses should be more data-driven, rather than simply throwing more manpower on the frontlines. In the era of new contact centre touchpoints, the touchpoints themselves matter less and less because...


Employees Optimistic About AI Impact on Jobs, Survey Finds

Employees in UK businesses are optimistic about the future impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their jobs according to a nationwide study. The research was carried out by global leader in omnichannel CX and contact centre solutions Genesys, official sponsor of...


Emotion, Empathy and Personalisation: How can AI Ever Replace Humans?

There is ever increasing interest in the role emotions play when managing Customer Experience in the contact centre. At the same time, there is a drive to introduce technology such as chatbots to make customer service teams more efficient; removing...


Ethics & Evolution: Discussing the Future of AI With Genesys PureCloud’s Olivier Jouve

The recent Genesys Xperience19 conference in Denver, Colorado, saw some of the most exciting developments in Customer Experience technology showcased to an eager global audience, and in case anyone was under any illusion about the future of CX – it...


Strategic AI Implementation: Crucial for CX Improvement

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an important role in Customer Experience, marketing, and personalisation; It has the power to generate predictions about what goods and services customers are likely to want, when the demand will arise or propensity to switch will...

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