Tag: Awards International


Winners announced for US Customer Experience Awards 2022

The inaugural edition of the US Customer Experience Awards, organised by Awards International, announced the winners for this year’s program. The first-ever edition of USCXA® brought together leading businesses from across US to share the most remarkable achievements in customer experience. Top companies...

GCXA open for entries promo

The 2023 Edition of the Gulf Customer Experience Awards: Open for Entries

Awards International is proud to announce the start of the Gulf Customer Experience Awards ’23: a premium awards programme celebrating top results and achievements in CX.As of July 4th, the eighth edition of GCXA will be officially accepting entries. Organisations...

ECXA winners announced

Winners Announced for European Customer Experience Awards ’22

The inaugural edition of the European Customer Experience Awards, organised by Awards International, announced the winners for this year’s programme. The first edition of European CXA® brought together leading businesses across Europe to share remarkable achievements in customer experience. Top...

UK EXA Winners Announcement

UK EXA’22 winners announced: improving the employee experience across the UK

Last week, HR professionals and enthusiasts alike had an exceptional day. At the live UK Employee Experience Awards TM ’22, the attendees had the opportunity to bear witness to 65 finalists of the programme presenting their top initiatives. The Awards Finals and...

third party sources

Gartner predicts by 2025, 60% of customers will seek service information from third-party sources 

According to Gartner, by 2025, 60% of customers will seek service from third-party sources of information not owned by the company. Currently, younger customers already use third-party information sources more frequently than older consumers, suggesting that this trend will increase...


Finalists announced for Turkey Customer Experience Awards 2022 

The second edition of the Turkey Customer Experience Awards, organised by the esteemed Awards International, announced the finalists for this year’s programme.  TCXATM ’22 will honour and recognise the top results and achievements of Turkey’s leading companies in customer experience. The...


The winning story: how is troy revolutionizing the debt collecting process?

There’s always something a bit magical about ICXA. Over the past three years, I’ve had the privilege of judging and engaging with some of the best CX initiatives in the world. Many of these inspire fresh thinking about how we...

image from the GCXATM (Gulf Customer Experience Awards) and the GREATM(Gulf Real Estate Awards). 

Who are the winners of the Gulf Customer Experience and Real Estate Awards in 2022? 

What a busy, yet incredible week for CX professionals in the Gulf region! On February 21, the guests at the Conrad Hotel in Dubai were bursting with joy while inspiration flowed in the air. You guessed it! Awards International organized an...

banner for the USCXA

The US CXA® early bird entry is open until February 25 

US CXA® is so much more than just a competition. It is a place to share knowledge, connect with America’s leading CX experts, and recognize the fantastic results of CX teams across the United States – all while having an...

UK CXA 2022

Awards International’s UK CXA® opens for entries on February 14

As a media partner of Awards International for the past ten years, Customer Experience Magazine (CXM) had the honour to witness not only the growth of the company but the positive transformation of the work of the Awards’ team broth...

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