Tag: Customer engagement

proactive customer care and supporting each other

Creating the perfect recipe for proactive customer care

We are entering another moment of uncertainty – with cost-of-living and rising interest rates becoming a real concern for individuals. Brands can look at ways of proactively reaching their customers to help anticipate their questions and worries. Before creating new customer...


The significance of retention and delivery during economic crises

The monthly consumer confidence ratings published by the British Retail Consortium have not made for pretty reading in recent months. Time after time, the announcement has seen retail sales slide. It’s presenting a gloomy picture for an industry still finding...

lack of consumer trust in digital spaces

Lack of consumer trust across industries, from media to governments

The 2022 Thales Consumer Digital Trust Index: A Consumer Confidence in Data Security Report has revealed that there is a lack of consumer trust across industries to protect their personal data. Based on a survey of more than 21,000 consumers...


Managing vulnerable customers with a humanised digital CX approach

Mounting inflation and economic challenges in the wake of the pandemic have meant that an increasing number of customers are experiencing financial vulnerability. The onus is now on companies to help their customers ride out these difficult times with a...

rating the company's reputation

From insight to action: the importance of your customer service

Last year, complaints about customer service were at record level. Poor service negatively impacts a company’s image and, ultimately, its business outcomes. It can also make headlines – not all publicity is good publicity. Companies should continually focus on their...

relevance gap

Why are companies struggling to stay relevant to their customers?

88% of executives believe that employees and customers needs are changing faster than businesses can respond to them. It is leading to a crisis of relevance, according to a new report from Accenture*.    “External factors – from economic to cultural, environmental and...

young generation digital customers

A smart new world: preparing for the customer of 2030

Generation Alpha are those born between 2010 and 2024. They were born in a world embedded with instant and on-demand technology. It is a world far from what Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or even Generation Z have ever seen.   This...

digital dating

The future of dating: merging digital and human experiences

The market for online dating is incredibly crowded, with more than 1,400 digital options in the UK alone. Demand for digital dating initially spiked at the onset of COVID-19, when people sought relationships while isolating and social distancing. The increase...

customer engagement platform

Why implementing a Customer Engagement Platform is crucial

Omdia’s 2022 report reviews how the Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) market is growing. Additionally, it assesses the tremendous value in implementing CEP solutions, and what this can provide for organisations.  Twilio has been ranked as a “Customer Engagement Platform” leader. They...

The workday consumer

Who is the new ‘Workday Consumer’?

Advertisers pride themselves on knowing their customers. But what happens when their customer is suddenly not where they expected?   As work and school shifted online during early stages of the pandemic, advertisers had faced this exact scenario and were initially slow...

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