Author: CXM Editorial

Amazon still top choice for Christmas gifts despite return to in-store shopping

While the tide is slowly turning in favour of in-store shopping, the majority of UK consumers still bought Christmas gifts on Amazon this year. Latest findings from leading online research and survey technology provider, Toluna, reveal that Amazon is still the...


5 tips to stop staff getting cold feet this January

The festive season is a funny one. We kick-off with the high spirits and merry-making in December, looking optimistically through to the New Year. The whilst sparkle and good will of Christmas then keeps us toasty with the promise of...


How positive recognition can lead to long term profitability

Employee recognition has been defined as ‘the timely, informal or formal acknowledgement of a person’s or team’s behavior, effort or business result that supports the organisation’s goals and values, and which has clearly been beyond normal expectations.’ Employees respond to appreciation...


There’s still time to Judge at the UK Employee Experience Awards 2014!

Nick Brice, Judge at the UK Employee Experience Awards, is passionate about employee experience. He gave us some sound bites on what makes a good employee experience and why he’s looking forward to judging at the Awards. I’ve had the privilege...


Speeding fines hit four year high due to new digital cameras

The number of speeding fines issued to motorists by the courts in England and Wales has risen to its highest level for four years amid the rollout of a new generation of digital speed cameras. The increase has been attributed...


EE to end Orange Wednesdays cinema offer

EE is axing its Orange Wednesdays promotion that provides free cinema tickets to its mobile phone customers. The offer, which allows Orange and EE customers to get two cinema tickets for the price of one on Wednesdays, was launched more than 10...


Financial services win back customers affections according to Nunwood’s 2014 Customer Experience Excellence report

During the recent global recession, customer trust in the financial industry was at an all-time low. However, the 2014 UK Customer Experience Excellence (UKCEE) report shows that financial services have mounted a recovery to become this year’s biggest climbers when...

Customer Experience Trends for 2015

Customer Experience Trends for 2015

Neil Woodcock, chairman of The Customer Framework shares his predictions for 2015. Customer Experience is a board level item in most large organisations but sometimes the discussion becomes more about internal processes and systems than about the customer! We need to...

How to keep up with customer expectations when moving into bricks and mortar

How to keep up with customer expectations when moving into bricks and mortar

If we are to believe recent news reports, it would seem that Amazon is making plans to trial its first high street store in the US. As a brand that is well established in the online world, will they be...

Are You Giving Your Employees a Great Experience? Enter the new UK Employee Experience Awards!

Finalists announced for the UK Employee Experience Awards

The Finalists for the inaugural UK Employee Experience Awards 2014 have been announced this week. Congratulations to the 66 companies who have been shortlisted across 14 categories for delivering outstanding employee experience, with consequent benefits not only to their teams,...

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