
An illustration of a green paper bulb stands for the Spotify sustainability report.

Spotify sustainability report: why you should give it a read

Spotify, one of the world’s largest music streaming service providers, continues to be a great reference for professionals talking about CX initiatives. In general, customer experience in the digital space became a burning topic over the past two years, with the technology...

Two people look at the map that represent customer value journey.

Your guide to the customer value journey

Following the initiative to cover CX basics in a series of articles, CXM talked a lot about the topic of the customer journey in the last couple of months. Today, we further explore the subject and give more details on...

A photo shows wooden blocks formed in order to represent the brand value chain stages.

What are the essential brand value chain stages?

In the last couple of months, CXM welcomed new team members to redefine itself and create a true CX community from the insight out. During several meetings where we discussed our mission and vision, we gave a lot of thought...

CX future

Travelling through time with Joana de Quintanilha and Maurice van der Heijden

In October this year, Customer Experience Magazine celebrates its 10th anniversary. Our team went busy hosting the month of festivity. Autumn turned out to be an eventful season for us, and we embraced it with the greatest joy and creativity.Along...

an image showing two people who don't understand each other due to overcomplicated language

Five ways to use and promote inclusive language in CX

Are you creating inclusive experiences for your customers? Many companies aren’t. At Forrester, we recently published research on inclusive language in CX. Let me be the voice of users and demonstrate the frustration that the lack of inclusive language can...

The photo shows a desk where two people work on gathering customer data.

4 steps to better manage your customer data

Poor data quality can have a negative impact on your business. It can make reporting time-consuming and inaccurate, skew decision making, and make the integration of new business systems and software more challenging, to name just a few unwanted side...

Contact centre agents work on their customers' request.

What do contact centre agents have to say about their wellbeing in 2021?

In line with the celebration of the Customer Service Week in 2021, the CXM team received much information about the current status and trends in the world of CX. We decided to share with you some of the most intriguing...

personalized experiences for Gen Z

Three ways to create personalized experiences for Gen Z

When it comes to customer experience, the newest generation of users is set to disrupt the status quo. Defined as anyone born after 1996, Generation Z has different brand expectations, including a ruthless quest for truth, and is poised to...

an image showing the 5G impact on the retail industry.

What is the 5G impact on the retail industry?

The rollout of 5G has the potential to transform the retail industry by ushering in a new era of connectivity and experience. Its advancements should alleviate many of the challenges that retailers have endured during the pandemic. By dramatically accelerating the speed of...

A woman speaks over a megaphone about a customer-focused revolution.

It’s time to challenge the monopoly and start a customer-focused revolution in e-commerce

It’s a given that the pandemic has been good for the tech giants. The entire GAFAM group, Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have seen profits continue to surge. Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft made $57bn of profits in the last...

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