
CXM Interview: An Award-winning Practice Is a Mix of Constructive Feedback and Hard Work

After winning Silver at the UK Customer Experience Awards 2015 in the Hospitality/Leisure/Charity category, B2B International certainly have a few useful tips to share about what makes an award winning practice. CXM Editor, Marija Pavlovic, interviewed their Chairman, Nick Hague,...


Gulf Region Series: Episode 2 – Experience Transformation Road-map: Where to Start?

In the first article within our Gulf Region Series, Mr. Elbadawy started covering topics related to experience transformation within the context of the GCC area with its challenges and complications. Here’s the second article of the series, with more useful...

The Customer Evolution: the Nature of Business-Consumer Relationship Today

The Customer Evolution: the Nature of Business-Consumer Relationship Today

In a recent study, Britons made 52 million complaints about poor service and faulty products last year. According to the Ombudsman Services Consumer Action Monitor Report, the number of complaints in the UK has risen 37 per cent since the...

And what if a Customer Told You that Your Product is Fake?

And what if a Customer Told You that Your Product is Fake?

Customers at Risk – the Creeping and Insidious Impact of Counterfeit Products Counterfeit goods, piracy, knock-off. Whatever term we want to use, Intellectual Property violations are growing and with every fake, unregulated product that reaches the market, the risk of harm...

Digital Customer Experience Misses the Human Touch

Digital Customer Experience Misses the Human Touch

Dimension Data research shows advances in customer experiences are being slowed by people While digital technology is fast transforming the global contact centre industry, advances in customer experiences are being slowed by people, and not the technology itself. In fact, the...

Play to Engage: Café Style – EPIC Methodology

Play to Engage: Café Style – EPIC Methodology

“The opposite to play is not work, it’s depression” Dr. Stuart Brown No play: no trust, collaboration, no creativity, no innovation! To be creative in workplaces requires that leaders create a culture of ‘play.’ The challenge is that in many workplaces...

Facebook Chatbot Platform: a Definite Sign of the New Era in Customer Service?

Facebook Chatbot Platform: a Definite Sign of the New Era in Customer Service?

A while ago, Microsoft had to ‘fire an employee’ because of her inappropriate Twitter behaviour. Аs you probably guess, we’re talking about Tay, a bot that (or who?) , within a single day, started sending offensive racist and sexually-charged messages...

Are Instagram Changes Killing Small Business?

Are Instagram Changes Killing Small Business?

Earlier this month, Instagram announced changes in its news feed algorithm. That means that very soon, posts will no longer appear in chronological order and instead, they will be sorted “based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content,...

The Funny Side of Customer Service: Handling Complaints in Good Humour

The Funny Side of Customer Service: Handling Complaints in Good Humour

Research tells us that customers expect a response to their query in as much as about 60 minutes. And yet, most companies fail to appreciate how much customer satisfaction can really count. What should you do when you have a...

‘Brexit’ Survival Kit – 5 Expert Tips for Small Businesses

‘Brexit’ Survival Kit – 5 Expert Tips for Small Businesses

The date has been set for Thursday 23rd June, campaigns have started and soon the public will decide whether or not Britain should remain in the European Union. The effects of a vote to leave have been widely speculated but...

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