Category: Uncategorized

Have your hotel bookings been placed on hold?

We have recently noticed an increase in the number of client requests for telephone mystery shopping. As a leading supplier of hospitality mystery shopping services we understand the important role the telephone has in generating revenue for our clients. Typically we...


Would you like Service as an optional extra?

When we think about a slick, effective production line, we think about the car manufacturing industry, which has spent years refining this through technology, process enhancements, and innovative developments to make our cars more attractive and compelling to buy. They...


New Health Sector

NEW Health Sector In partnership with the Patient Experience Network Note from Ruth Evans We have just held the first of our best practice events at last year’s overall PEN national Award Winner Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust to celebrate the incredible...

Bank switch changes good for customers

Bank switch changes good for customers

New rules allowing customers to switch bank accounts within a week will put pressure on financial institutions to review the way they treat both new and existing customers. And it is about time that banks put customers at the heart of...

Case study: Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL)

Case study: Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL)

Pursuing customer excellence in a challenging economic environment… Managing more than 2.85 million customers in an increasingly competitive environment, whilst adapting to a backdrop of decreasing local authority funding, is some juggling act that would leave a lot of organisations in...

Multichannel shopping - but what happened to multichannel customer service?

Multichannel shopping – but what happened to multichannel customer service?

The retail sector is evolving in so many ways, and many retailers are implementing multichannel and omnichannel solutions with the ultimate objective of creating a truly integrated customer experience, But Steve Feeney, Account Director at Genesys, argues that an integrated...


Donec auctor risus a lorem convallis olestie eros iaculis

Quisque tempus in ante vel bibendum. Aenean ornare ultricies orci ac aliquam. Etiam nunc justo, rutrum vel lectus quis, luctus placerat eros. Phasellus laoreet eros in mi facilisis, vitae ultrices est egestas. Etiam dui mi, laoreet a mollis vel, egestas...


Vivamus malesuada egestas lectus nec iaculis

Duis leo magna, pulvinar id pellentesque et, cursus posuere erat. Morbi vitae magna pellentesque, iaculis justo ac, sollicitudin nunc. Vestibulum dictum lobortis blandit. Integer sed lobortis sapien, eget gravida dui. Ut vel nibh odio. Aenean egestas nec ligula sed fringilla....


Maecenas vitae sem in lorem tincidunt ppretium ut

Sed tellus nulla, posuere sit amet tellus quis, scelerisque ullamcorper felis. Etiam cursus dapibus elit ac consectetur. Vivamus augue ligula, lacinia non blandit consectetur, commodo ut nibh. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ligula odio, ornare id nibh vitae, luctus commodo lectus. Morbi...


Faucibus varius eros elit non nunc

Etiam convallis varius urna in vehicula. Nulla interdum quis sapien a viverra. Nam ut euismod felis. Ut in mi id elit pellentesque lacinia. Ut non accumsan enim. Sed faucibus a nunc vitae dignissim. Ut fringilla pulvinar tellus. Curabitur ac dui...

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