With the deadline fast approaching for the Gulf Customer Experience Awards, the Gulf Digital Experience Awards, and the Gulf Employee Experience Awards, Mark Hamill, the Managing Director of Awards International UAE, offers advice on making the most of an organisation’s success…

Winning or being shortlisted for a business award is a valuable way of raising your company’s profile, motivating people, gaining personal recognition, and being recognised as an authority in your field.

All too often companies and individuals fail to capitalise on the potential opportunities that winning an award can bring, so here are some suggestions to promote your award-winning status and help you make the most of it.

1: Add a newsflash to the homepage of your website – don’t bury it!

2: Tweet it, blog it, and update your LinkedIn profile or any public profile about
yourself or your company to reflect the win.

3: Add details of your award to your email signature

4: Display the award prominently in your premises. Make sure visitors can see it.

5: Send an email to your contacts and clients highlighting your award win.

6: Make sure everyone in your company knows about the award.

7: Thank everyone who contributed, from suppliers to freelancers.

8: Send press releases and stills to online and print publications about to your win.

9: Identify potential award-winning projects early so you can be sure to give them the time and resources required to deliver your next award win.

10: Apply to be a judge. Judging awards is an invaluable way of updating knowledge, identifying trends or gaps in the market, generating ideas to take back to the team, and finding out what it takes to write a great entry.


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