Vacation rentals

Within the past few years, many landlords have begun transitioning some of their higher end properties from leased annual rentals to vacation rentals – it is simply more profitable to do so. Even if the properties aren’t occupied every month of the year, the amount of money they can charge for vacation rentals is much higher than your average leased unit.

Even so, in certain parts of the country these units have the ability to stay rented almost every week of the year. It won’t be difficult to keep them occupied if you focus on improving the customer experience (CX). Yes, they are customers!

So, how can you do that? Here are a few tips.

Don’t stop at interior design

If you stop to think about it, vacationers are most often there to unwind and enjoy the peace and tranquility of being in a homey environment away from home. They are looking to enjoy all the conveniences of being at home without all the distractions.

You might want to do a bit of landscaping so they can relax under the stars in the evening with a glass of wine before retiring for the night. Why not design a lovely garden where they can bask in a few rays by day, laying back in a VidaXL sun lounger, or enjoy the scent of the lovely botanicals you’ve planted?

Give your guests a place to entertain

Perhaps a few outdoor benches would give them a place to spend time with friends or family members they haven’t seen in ages. Maybe they chose your location simply to be near people they know in the vicinity.

If that’s the case, they will surely want to entertain. What better place to get together than in a garden where they can chat without being cramped too closely together? They might even want a barbeque or have a pool party if your vacation rental has an inground pool.

See how it’s done in the UK

While Airbnb is a vacation rental that is a relatively new concept in the US, Brits have been renting “self-catering cottages” for many years. It is not a new concept to them. These lovely rentals come equipped with just about anything guests might need in their day-to-day affairs. There will be pots and pans to cook with, towels, bed linens, televisions, alarm clocks, coffee pots and just about anything guests might require when treating the rental as a home.

Take the time to think about just what they might need to provide the comfort they require. You would be surprised at just how likely they will be to leave you a good customer review simply because you took the time to ensure their comfort during their stay. 

Just remember to have a professional cleaning crew go through the rental after each guest leaves, and prior to the new arrival. As one last word of caution, make sure to get the insurance coverage you need to protect your investment in this property.

Once you have made all the modifications necessary to see to your guests’ comfort, watch how quickly your property will be booked month after month, year after year. Improve their experience and you will be miles ahead of the competition in your area. That’s a promise.

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