Eighty percent of marketers plan to take complete control of their companies’ Customer Experience (CX) initiatives over the next two years according to new research.

The findings by Episerver in its CX Today and Tomorrow report incorporates data from 100 in-house marketers across the UK, examining their views on the future relationship between marketing and CX. The data reveals that while 62 percent of marketers are already working with IT to improve experiences, less than half (45 percent) of businesses have given the marketing team total ownership over the direction of Customer Experience.

Instead, 35 percent of brands have assigned a specific CX manager or Customer Experience team – an approach that many marketers believe is not delivering the best results, especially when it comes to offering the latest technology.

Of those surveyed, 23 percent of marketers believe that their brands are still not delivering adequate customer experiences on mobile sites, while 27 percent believe they are not even delivering a high-quality experience through their mobiles apps.

Despite this fact, more than half of marketers are already looking ahead to new technologies such as chatbots, mobile games, and one-click payment technologies. In the face of these demands, many CX teams simply aren’t keeping up.

Joey Moore, Head of Product Marketing at Episerver, said: “While it’s great to see marketers taking a more active role in defining their brand’s customer experiences, the reality is that many of the basics of CX, such as high-quality mobile experiences, still aren’t being met.

“We’re starting to see too much conflict between what companies should do and what they actually have buy-in for, in the terms of organisational support and budget. In reality, for Customer Experience to pay off, investments have to be made into technologies that make it easier and more enjoyable for customers to engage with a brand.”


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