UK consumers over 65 hold significant digital shopping power, with 76% relying on online purchase. However, findings reveal that only 12% feel understood by brands they digitally interact with. While many in this age group are digitally-savvy, the communications options offered can often fall short of providing a reliable route to resolution, eroding trust.  

Meanwhile, more accessible methods of communication, like phone or email, are also often phased out in a drive for digital transformation. This is without consideration for the diversity of needs from different customer groups, and the complexity of some customer support situations. 

 Use of modern technologies, like chatbots, should be judicious. Businesses must digitise with consideration of every customer’s needs. 

Don’t hold the phone

Most consumers over the age of 65 indicated that they find it hard to get in touch with companies. Many organisations do not design their customer engagement with the nuances of different demographics in mind.  

Significantly, 85% of consumers over 65 said they would rather speak to someone over the phone compared to other methods. That said, 16% from this demographic are happy to use technology channels such as chatbots and apps to interact with brands. Businesses should therefore analyse the feedback and data customers share to ensure they offer every customer the options that best suit them. 

“Customer engagement needs to be inclusive in order to be effective.” said Sam Richardson, Principal Visioneering Consultant at Twilio. “Good, old-fashioned phone calls don’t need to fall by the wayside in an effort to modernise. In fact, all age groups find them useful for chatting through more complex problems. While in-app chat and SMS are useful for delivery updates, and might perfectly suit more digital-native audiences. Businesses should also think about what people with accessibility needs require from them.” 

Missed opportunity

Failing to cater to the over-65 demographic also represents a missed business opportunity. This group make up such a prominent portion of the online retail market. Only 6% of consumers over 65 said that they never do their shopping online, compared to 30% of 18-24 year olds. Similarly, 51% of over-65s read or keep hold of digital marketing communications. 

But a lack of consideration is creating a trust barrier with older consumers, including when it comes to marketing. Half of shoppers over 65 didn’t know where brands got their contact details from. One in five indicated that they believe brands only care about their money. This contrasts with younger consumers, who feel more understood as an audience. However, they are actually not as engaged with internet purchases. 

“Older demographics are clearly more interested in regular brand engagement online compared to younger consumers,” continued Richardson. “As this older age bracket continues to grow in an ageing population, brands need to be better prepared to digitally cater to them. Technologies like customer data platforms can translate this data into insights. This provides businesses with valuable direction as to what customers really want.” 

Inclusive engagement promotes trust and loyalty

Though companies dedicate a lot of time to getting to know their customers, data shows that many older consumers feel overlooked. This is by the way that businesses engage with them, which is diminishing loyalty. Only 32% of respondents over 65 feel like valued customers. 15% feel that brands care about them, and only 10% feel that they represent the main target audience when it comes to marketing communications. 

Delivering thoughtful engagement to alleviate this demographic’s concerns on trust can strengthen customer relationships. It can ensure that accessibility isn’t a barrier to better understanding. Ultimately, this will also positively benefit businesses’ bottom lines. 

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