Leading global customer experience expert Webhelp has celebrated 75 years of dedicated customer service from a total of six colleagues at a gala dinner at Cameron House Hotel, Loch Lomond, on Saturday, May 6. 10 years service - Dunoon - smallWebhep UK has entered a number of our Award shows since 2013 such as the UK Customer Experience Awards four years in a row, the UK Employee Experience Awards in 2015, and the UK Digital Experience Awards last year.

Francesca Flint (centre left) and David Miller (centre right) celebrating 10 years of working at Webhelp with chief operating officer, Andy Doig (left) and people director, Gillian Campbell (right).

The colleagues were rewarded for 10 and 15 years of service to the business, its clients and their customers.

Webhelp’s chief operating officer, Andy Doig, was on hand to present the awards. He said:

“I am tremendously proud to be able to recognise these people from our Dunoon site for at least 10 years of hard work and dedication to our business.

“Sometimes people have the impression that contact centre work is just something you do until a better option comes along. This is proof that people can build genuinely satisfying and rewarding careers with Webhelp and in the contact centre industry.

“The people we have recognised tonight work in different parts of the business, from customer service advisors to team leaders, and this shows that there is a range of career options available to people at Webhelp.

“Our people are our most important asset and Webhelp is extremely grateful to these role models for their commitment and support. I look forward to celebrating with them again in another five years!”

The Long Service Award winners and their partners were invited to attend a special evening at the famous Cameron House Hotel on the shores of Loch Lomond, hosted by Andy Doig and Webhelp’s people director, Gillian Campbell.

They were given a certificate, a £40 voucher to spend at Cameron House Hotel and vouchers for £100 (for 10 years’ service) or £150 (for 15 years’ service).

The full list of Dunoon-based recipients is:

15 years’ service

Marianne Colquhoun Contact centre associate Dunoon
Sarah Cox Team leader Dunoon
Sheila Hodgson Team leader Dunoon

10 years’ service

Susan Bouyer Contact centre associate Dunoon
Francesca Flint Contact centre associate Dunoon
David Miller Contact centre associate Dunoon

Source: Webhelp


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