As the risk of IT outages increases, businesses are recognising the importance of regular data backups.

Gartner predicts that by 2028, most enterprises will prioritise backing up their software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. This marks a significant shift from the current 15% who consider it a critical requirement.

“The risk of IT outages underscores the urgent need for regular backup and recovery of critical enterprise data,” says Michael Hoeck, senior director analyst at Gartner.

“As businesses are more dependent on SaaS technologies, it becomes crucial to ensure that SaaS data is both  protected and recoverable. Given the vulnerability of SaaS data to errors, cyberattacks, and vendor mishaps, robust backup solutions are indispensable.” 

Many enterprises need to pay more attention to the importance of backing up their SaaS applications due to confusion over data protection responsibilities and limited API access. 

However, as the SaaS application backup market grows rapidly, Gartner predicts that by 2028, 75% of large enterprises will adopt Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) alongside on-premises tools to protect their cloud and on-premises workloads effectively. 

This shift reflects a growing recognition of the critical need for robust data protection strategies in today’s digital age. 

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