Email marketing is known to generate the highest investment return compared to other marketing channels. Still, if businesses want to increase the success of their digital campaigns, they need to use email marketing properly and avoid common pitfalls such as being perceived as SPAM.

The CXM team has the right resource to offer on the subject. Pure360 dives deep into the basics of using ESP and the benefits it brings for business in the e-book called “How do I switch Email Service Provider?” We share the essential points from the book to help you get a sense of the Pure360 marketing strategy.

Why use an ESP, and how to do it properly?

To avoid mistakes in the email marketing strategies, brands opt for all kinds of Email Service Providers (ESP). The right ESP offers users help in creating original, personalised campaigns that resonate with the subscribers and automate manual work. It also quickly scales the email strategy and provides deep insights into campaigns and subscriber engagement.

Still, an ESP will only take you as far as your strategy goes. You’ll need a solid plan and idea about how your perfect ESP should look like. Following the e-book available for download on CXM, you can try answering these questions when creating your ESP proposal:

  • What volume and frequency of emails will you be sending?
  • Which type of emails will you be sending?
  • What features do you require?
  • Who will be using the new email platform?
  • What services do they offer?
  • Does the ESP match your GDPR requirements?
  • Does the ESP have a good reputation?
  • How is their customer service?

Furthermore, the e-book also offers guidance on each one of these questions. It is an excellent resource full of practical examples and advice for you to start building your email marketing strategy straight away.

Switching to the new Email Service Provider

Once you get a full grasp of ESP, the time will come to choose the perfect one for your brand. With a clear business strategy in mind, you shouldn’t have difficulties finding just the services to fit your needs. Still, things can get tricky in an overloaded market and you might find yourself unable to decide on a particular provider.

Pure360 offers a few useful tips for those looking to switch the ESP. In the e-book, the company shares 10 ultimate things to consider when choosing Email Service Provider. This should help users to take action and fully customize their email marketing campaigns.

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