There are few industries left out there whose name some hustling, enterprising soul hasn’t tried to append ‘tech’ to stir up a bit of publicity and momentum.

FinTech, PropTech, RegTech, GovTech, the list goes on and on. And while some might be understandably feeling fatigued by the never ending production line of tech portmanteaus, a unifying catch all term can do wonders for businesses working with specific sectors and, most importantly, help stir the interest of investors and VCs in the process.

The latest innovative tech moniker that Future Cities Catapult thinks you should know about is ‘PlanTech’, a nascent sector combining digital innovation, Internet of Things (IoT), data and user-centered design to tackle the latest urban planning challenges.

As our cities become ever more tangled and complex, not to mention polluted spaces, the need to utilise the latest innovations in sensor technology and data-driven insights to inform our urban planning efforts becomes ever greater.

With this in mind, Future Cities Catapult is hosting an exhibition at its Urban Innovation Centre in Clerkenwell for the duration of London Tech Week 2017 next week which will showcase the latest innovations in city and town planning alongside a series of curated lectures and events exploring the potential of the technology.

Nicola Yates, Chief Executive Officer of Future Cities Catapult explained how the event is part of its Future of Planning project, as the organisation pushes for a more ‘transparent’ and ‘data-driven’ planning system. She said:

“In an age of rapid urban growth and expansion, planning is crucial to a city’s competitiveness, as well as its ability to support the wellbeing of its citizens.

“However, complex language, outdated processes, and political interests make the planning process time-consuming, expensive and obscure to outsiders.”

Stefan Webb, Head of Projects at Future Cities Catapult believes that poor planning gets blamed for much of our urban problems, including the lack of affordable housing and citizen resistance to the latest development projects. He added:

“During London Tech Week, we’ll be showcasing the emerging technologies, innovations and visions that are transforming the way we plan our cities.

“Visitors can explore the growing momentum of PlanTech and the opportunities it brings to citizens, startups, planning authorities and corporations.”

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Source: Bdaily

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