Oh, and the Windows Console just got its first facelift in 20 years.

The latest Insider preview build for Windows 10 is rolling out, and it’s bringing that eye-tracking support Microsoft recently mentioned. Users with a compatible eye tracking device (which right now means certain hardware from Tobii) can control their PC and even type just by looking at the relevant spot onscreen.

Still, the most surprising change is available via the command prompt. As described on the Command Line blog, it’s overhauling the default colours in the Windows console for the first time in 20 years.

Experiencing the new colour scheme will require a fresh installation (Microsoft says it doesn’t want to overwrite anyone’s custom settings — a configuration tool will be released soon), but it’s supposed to help things look better on new monitors.

There are also tweaks supporting 3D objects within Word, Excel and PowerPoint while the Edge browser has a new look made to match Microsoft’s Fluent Design System with transparency and “delightful” animations.

Written by: Richard Lawler

Source: Engadget

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