Youstice is a name you could be hearing more of as it promises a multi-lingual solution to on-line shopping disputes.

With the ongoing growth in on-line business there are millions of unresolved shopper disputes – and Youstice is advocating a new web application designed to help customers connect with retailers and sort out their issues in minutes.

According to the blurb, Youstice is a global product that offers customers the opportunity to raise complaints in their language, using a defined vocabulary that allows the system to automatically recognise the problem and suggest a standardised yet situation-specific resolution.

Zbynek Loebl, Founder and CEO of Youstice, told Customer Experience Magazine: “Reports say that as many as two thirds of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor service.

“Youstice will offer multiple choices – not necessarily a refund. There will be choices which will mean customers will be more engaged.”

For example, if the customer receives the wrong size, they can expect to get the right size within seven days, along with a coupon for a ten per cent discount on the next purchase.

Youstice was established in the Czech Republic and wants to link with retailers to find solutions for many of the small claims that are often unresolved but not forgotten by the customer.

youstice“We are launching in the UK because it is a leading market for online dispute resolution,” added Zbynek.

The full service, available to retailers as a simple, integrated web plug-in for their site, is the world’s first cross-border online platform, designed to resolve shopper-vendor disputes in three easy steps and a couple of clicks, promoting trust between companies and their customers.

The web application is designed to help brands take care of customer disputes quickly and easily, whenever and wherever they arise. The aim: providing win-win resolutions to any complaint and turning customer satisfaction into a strong selling point for businesses.

The aim is that the service will be free for customers unless issue are elevated to an outside Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) provider.

Youstice will also offer a select few the exclusive opportunity to test Youstice’s VIP service free of charge for up to two years. For further information on Youstice, please visit the website, CEO blog or join them on Facebook, Twitter and Google +youstice logo

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